FMAT: best knife fights in the movies

Clark Kent

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best knife fights in the movies
By equilibrium - 02-10-2009 04:15 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


What are some of the best knife fighting scenes in movies?

1. The Hunted
2. ?


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Bar none, absolutely no doubt about it, the best knife fight ever in a movie is in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
I saw that when I was very young and don't recall the knife fight scene!

Exposure and The Hunted jump to mind here.
I wouldn't want to spoil it, but this might tweak your memory. Remember when the Really Big Guy challenges Butch for leadership of the gang?
Arnisador-Exposure was that the name of that movie filmed in ummm way down south? About the photographer that learned the blade. If so +1 great movie and good training. I will have to dig it out it has been years.

Brian King
I wouldn't want to spoil it, but this might tweak your memory. Remember when the Really Big Guy challenges Butch for leadership of the gang?

No, I'm afraid that doesn't help!

Exposure was that the name of that movie filmed in ummm way down south? About the photographer that learned the blade.

Yes, also called A Grande Arte. Peter Coyote is an American photojournalist in Brazil.
No, I'm afraid that doesn't help!

Harvey Logan: Guns or Knives? Butch Cassidy: Neither? Harvey Logan: Pick. Butch Cassidy: I don't want to shoot with you Harvey. Harvey Logan: [Draws a big knife] Anything you say, Butch. '[Butch walks over to his horse, by Sundance] Butch Cassidy: [in a low voice] Maybe there's a way to make a profit in this. Bet on Logan. Sundance Kid: I would, but who'd bet on you? Harvey Logan: Sundance, this doesn't concern you. When we're done, and he's dead, you're welcome to stay. Butch Cassidy: [low voice, to Sundance] Listen, I don't mean to be a sore loser, but when it's done, if I'm dead, kill him. Sundance Kid: [low voice to Butch] Love to. [Waves to Harvey and smiles] Butch Cassidy: [Walks back, and Harvey tenses to begin the fight] No, no, not yet. Not until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out. Harvey Logan: Rules? In a knife fight? No rules. [Butch throws dirt in Harvey's eyes and kicks him in the groin, who falls to his knees] Butch Cassidy: Well, if there aint' going to be any rules, let's get the fight started. Someone count. 1,2,3 go. Sundance Kid: [quickly] 1,2,3, go. [Butch knocks Harvey out] :lol:

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