FMAT: Baraw Sugbu (aka Arnes Diablo)

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Baraw Sugbu (aka Arnes Diablo)
By Viking - Mon, 21 Apr 2008 18:36:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I found this on youtube and find it very interesting .

They mainly focuses on knife versus empty hands.

History Of Baraw Sugbu

GM Goyong specializes only in the deadly business of knifefighting, period. Baraw Sugbu formerly known as Arnis Diablo traces its lineage to the patriarch of Cebuano Doce Pares the Great Grandmaster Lorenzo Saavedra. Saavedra taught a distinct brand of knifefighting that he shared to only a few choosen disciples. One of Saavedra's proteges a certain Simo later passed on the methodology to Lucresio Okit Albano who became later Goyong Ceniza's mentor in Baraw Sugbu. The system was so secret that GM Ceniza says they used to practice under a cloak of blanket to screen the deadly drills. One of GM Ceniza's top students was the late Aproniano "Rene" Capangpangan who also later became the mentor of Dr. Ned Nepangue.

Here is an Interview with Baraw Sugbu Masters

Interview by Ned Nepange and Rene Capangpangan

NN: But catching a knife wielder's hand is very dangerous, some experts advise against this .

RC: They are right. We do not and cannot argue with that. But we must start somewhere. How do we address fear? How do we practice tactile sensitivity? In our advance training I don't let them touch my forearm, disarm me. I don't allow them to predict and see my strikes. My student we'll see or realize later that a good knife wielder is really very, very, very difficult to control. Then they learn to use the knife and know the knife wielder's view of a fight. That is the way we do the training in Baraw Sugbo. And we do not pretend to know everything about knives.

NN: Do you practice knife-against-knife?

RC: We concentrate on knife against unarmed. This for us is more basic. One should know what to do against a knife handler. Now, to further understand defense against knife, one should also know the knifer's point of view in addition to learning how to use the "alive hand". On the other hand if your training is centered on slashing the opponent's forearm . . . what are going to do if you don't have a knife with you? You're just like a pistolero without bullets. You just can't bring your knife anywhere, anytime. But learning knife-to-knife is also very
advisable, I suppose.

NN: When you say sensitivity-training, do you mean kinesthetic touch, pressure?

RC: The ability to interpret changes in pressure, the direction of touch, is very important in the trapping range. The hearing, auditory is also playing an important role here. As we get closer, our use of visual field is getting limited. Maintaining one's balance is also part of sensitivity training. The ability to extend tactile perception to the knife, feeling pressure changes there, is included. A knife is not only an extension of the physical body, but should also be an extension of the mind as well. ThatÕs very important point.

NN: How do you describe Baraw Sugbo training?

RC: Explanation on the basic concepts/theories will be
the first. The different possible angles of knife attack. And also the importance of the arms-feet coordination and the correct body positioning. In the interactive training phase, we see to it that students learn distance appreciation, proper placement, and not just the individual techniques. Ours is not one-step offense/defense interactive drills but a flowing continuous one. We know how slippery and how stubborn the knife is, a stab will turn into a slash or vice versa, mid-stream. Basically, our interactive training is concern on how to counter against a counter and so on. We also include punches, elbows, stomping, tripping, sweeping, takedowns, rolling. So that without the knife, the student is always ready to translate the same fighting principles and apply.

NN: The interactive drills are for muscle memory?
RC: Yes, the interactive drills are very important. Constant and correct repetition will easily internalize the lessons. Just like the cadets marching, keeping-up with the drums. Interactive training will also gradually liberate the students from fear, by calming the mind and acclimatizing the body.

NN: How long does it take to be functional in Baraw Sugbo?

RC: There are two phases of training. The first phase is standing interactive. In the next phase both players are in the ground, chasing the opportunity to outsmart each other. In a month to three months one may finish the first phase. The second phase may take longer. The training is one-on-one, preferably daily. A refinement in execution is another story and it will take sometime.

NN: Why so short a time?

RC: Compared to other martial arts, yes, quite short. Perhaps because there's really no need to consciously memorize every move, to think in terms of numbers of techniques. Besides we don't do the conventional 30 to 40 minutes of stretching and other calisthenics. I tell them to do it at home. When it is time to practice knife fighting, then it should be knife fighting. The interactive training itself is already a good aerobics.

NN: Or anaerobic, if you may, since there's a lot of holding-the-breath there.

RC: The novice, maybe, because of fright tends to have erratic breathing. I have students who are advanced in other arts, who, in spite of their background, stamina, endurance, discipline, athletic bodies were short of breath after just a few minutes of practice. After quite sometime though, when they are no longer afraid of the real knife we are using, they calmed down and get focused.

NN: How many are there currently teaching Baraw Sugbo?

RC: It is sad and alarming to note that among Nong Goyong's students, I am the only one capable of imparting the complete Baraw Sugbo. This is because the other students, some of them studied with Nong Goyong several years ahead of me, did not bother or had no time to return, to study the teaching phase of Baraw Sugbo. My teacher no longer teaches. He instead asked me to continue teaching Baraw Sugbo. This is a big responsibility given to me. So I continue teaching a few of my friends. Recently I made videos on Baraw Sugbo, with my teacher's approval of course. In a way, this is my contribution to the martial arts. I am currently grooming a few of my students as teachers of Baraw Sugbo. We also have this registered with the SEC.

NN: How did you teach the Baraw Sugbo while in the RTS-7?

RC: I was forced to modify the format of teaching. I had to teach the different batches of police trainees in terms of techniques. I did not have enough time to instruct them one-on-one, which is the ideal.

NN: Do you need a martial art background to easily learn Baraw Sugbo?

RC: Actually no. I observed that people of different martial art backgrounds display different mannerisms, which is sometimes counter-productive. Some find it easy to adapt, some have much difficulty. It is a good learning experience for me as a teacher, though. Those who have accumulated many knife techniques from the other arts would find it easier later, to connect all of these in a common matrix, after sessions of and sensitivity training of Baraw Sugbo.



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