IMPACT WEAPONS Rattan, Bamboo, Bahi, Kamagong, Guava sticks of various sizes from 5" to 6 ft..
Develops power and energy training IMPORTANT
BLADED WEAPONS (cut, slash, chop) Kris, Kampilan, Barong, Bolo, Panabas (Ax), espada, balisong and other knives Develops fluidity, continuation, finesse, IMPORTANT
FLEXIBLE WEAPONS Tabok Tuyok (Nunchaku), Latigo (whip), Sting Ray Tail, Rope, Handkerchief. primarily are used in training to develop relaxation and wrist snap similar to an abiniko strike. IMORTANT (but not as much as the previous 2)
PROJECTILES Knives, Sumpit (blowgun), bow and arrow, spear, Yo-yo. Extended range EXCEPT FOR KNIFE, NOT TAUGHT VERY OFTEN
PROTECTANTS shields, helmets, gauntlets, etc. Take a guess! NOT TAUGHT VER OFTEN
EMPTY HANDS If you did the others you already got it. IMPORTANT