FMA Instructors

I heard and have the same understanding as ARNISANDYZ about Ray's stick training. However, Ray did show me some stick work from GT Chris Sayoc and it is one of the first things on the Summer Gathering 2002 tape that he sent me.

The point that I was making was sometimes when people are known for a specialty sometimes we can forget or be unaware of the other skills that they may have.

From a MA background, I even thought that Ray was mainly a knife person due to the nature of the sessions that he had taught at the Florida camps and Raleigh seminars. So can imagine the shock when I went down to my first gathering and saw his stick work!!!

There is an interesting story which occured at last JD IMAF Phili Seminar regarding one of his MA instructors who had the same inerrant perception. That person asked to work some with Ray so they could show them some cool Tapi-Tapi techniques. Much to their surprise, not only did Ray know the whole set, but eventually switched the lead and trapped the person in various ways.

The person involved was quite shocked and impressed and said a punchline that I will not say, you will have to go to Ray to get it:eek: :D :)
I'd like to see some of Tuhon Chris' stickwork! I've only seen blade. Guess you can say the same thing about Tuhon Chris as you can about Ray, about being percieved as a specialist in one area. Ray is also very humble and quite about his other skills from other teachers out of respect for what ever style or who ever works with. We have an inside joke about Ray..."Everybody loves Raymond" he's just a really good guy with a lot of positive energy.
And not only are they both skilled with the sticks, but they are also good at the whip. Funny how they manage keep that to themselves. :)
Welcome aboard, Al!

Al, along with arnisandyz, are the two responsible for kicking my *** every week. I won't say more, or it'll go bad for me come Wednesday :)

Hey, Al...maybe you can check out the Indochinese forums as well. You're Kuntao-Silat knowledge may be helpful there.

Welcome again!

Thank you for the welcome, Cthulhu. It's great to be aboard!

Me? Kick your butt every week?? Oh, you poor, poor man. :sadsong:
Alright, I admit, sometimes I manage to kick my own ***.

On this board not even a day, and he's already foolin' with the smilies.

What's up Aldon!!!

Hey man, I was going to mention the skills in the whip arts as well but you beat me to it. Welcome to MT!!!

Harold (Palusut)
If you go to the Sayoc site (, and click on the instructors link, you'll see the list of Sayoc instructors, as well as a list of people with certification with the whip. Also, I've seen a set of photos of Jimmie Sayoc demonstrating the use of a whip with a knife tied to the end.

Whip must be part of the official curriculm. There is a list of Sayoc Whip instructors on the website.

Hi Harold (Palusut)! Glad to hear from you, big man!
Hey Al,

Welcome aboard, now you can help me keep an eye Cthulhu. Did you guys get that email from Ray? Looks like we have another Gathering in July/August. Woooohoooo!!!
Hi arnisandyz!

Yes, I got that email from Ray. I guess he finally broke down and opened his own school.

I am looking forward to the FCS Gathering. I hope he has it in August, though, because I have to go to the Kuntao-Silat Family Gathering at the end of July. Now that I think of it, Ray is an honorary member of the Kuntao Family of Florida. I doubt he would have the FCS Gathering the same weekend. I'll email today and let him know.

We do need to keep an eye on Cthulhu. At least he can't accidently hit anyone with a stick on this discussion group.
Whoops! Looks like I got it backwards. At training tonight, Guru Stahmann said the Kuntao-Silat Family Gathering will be the weekend of August 10-11. I'll pass that on to Ray.