FMA Division in MI Tournament in May 2008

Well is it live stick or padded?

If it is live stick who know's some of my people might be interested.
OK, first off... I DEEEEPLY apologize for dropping off the face of the earth. I got jacked with work and was left to fend for myself in a mass layoff. I had to make priority changes and getting this division of the tournament up and running had to go down. I'm back and working again and I can dedicate more time to this. The only problem is that now the tournament is very close, like next month close. :( Is everyone still on board that has shown interest or is there not enough lead time to get registered and prepare? We are having the event on May 10th.

I want this to fly but understand that it might not with this type of time frame. I'm at work right now on lunch so I can't post the final set of rules till I get home from teaching my kids class tonight.

My question to everyone that has given me support this whole time is will you still be coming? If so, call my studio and leave a message as an RSVP. I'll assess the situation with how many want to come and then I'll post back here to say if it's still on or not.

I want this to be beneficial to our community of FMA'ers my local community as well as the studio and tournament.

Leave a message for us at 989-399-9925.

(going to cross post in FMATalk now...)
Do you even a rough idea of the proposed rules yet?

Trust me I understand priorities, but if you want people to even think about coming they need to have some idea of the format.

Live stick WEKAF armour?
Smacksticks no armor?
Thrusting legal?
Round length?
Single elimination or round robbin?

I'm still interested.
Well I did not find that everything is explained in the rules.

It says padded sticks may be provided, but it is a live stick event. Ok, if it's live sticks what length and weight are allowed?

Headgear with metal screens are not allowed to minimize damage to equipment? Are you taking about WEKAF style helmets? Hockey helmets have metal screens too, so does Lacrosse.

Other than the Equipment requirements needing to be well defined it looks pretty good. Scoring seems good and will hopefully allow live action over flailing.
Well I did not find that everything is explained in the rules.

It says padded sticks may be provided, but it is a live stick event. Ok, if it's live sticks what length and weight are allowed?

Headgear with metal screens are not allowed to minimize damage to equipment? Are you taking about WEKAF style helmets? Hockey helmets have metal screens too, so does Lacrosse.

Other than the Equipment requirements needing to be well defined it looks pretty good. Scoring seems good and will hopefully allow live action over flailing.

K, great questions... I'll make the adjustments.
I've never gotten the need for a length requirement. I'd say a weight but a "standard" length between 24-28 inches. Weight is definitely an issue since I'm sure that nobody wants to get hit with my 28 inch diamond wood sticks.

I'll take a look at the average weights and make the adjustments. (unless anyone has a good idea about the weights)
Bad news... :(

We've had a ton of call ins for the other events in the tournament and the head man reevaluated the situation and it seems tha the tournament as a whole has been cancelled. So that means that the escrima division is also kaput. :( We are going to be focusing on making our 3rd forray into the tournament next year and make it even bigger and better.

I guess things happen for a reason (from my haiatus from being able to work on this division now that the whole thing has bee postponed) now we can focus on making this event happen right.

Thank you everyone for your input and we will have this, just not next month.
