FMA and the teaching of deadly technique...

Sifu Barry Cuda said:
Hey guys, for the people that work with "the Job" or have been on "the job" like Paul and myself ,most psycho degenerates dont take martial arts classe.These are people that dont function in the social family atmosphere that most schools are.People like that are generaly loners and dont join in with other people.I have had people come to me with a wish list of what they want to do privatley and I always turn them away." could you teach me to use a knife really good in a couple of privates" or "if I work with you one on one how long would it take me to be really good with a knife" Fuggetaboutit! Barry
Well said, btw which 'Paul' are you referring to as 'on the job' and which 'job' are you referring to as well?

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