Florida requires drug testing for welfare starting July 1st.

It was in the article Lucky posted
I skimmed the article. I've been hearing bits and pieces about this for a few weeks now. I had heard that they were being required to fund the test, but I missed the other part. Thanks. :D
So a man divorces his wife, leaves her with a gang of kids, and you want her out on the street picking up trash before she gets any assistance? And you want to start her on regular drug testing. Its almost like its a crime to be left by your husband.:)

Most likely, if the woman divorced her husband and has custody of his gang of kids she is taking him to the cleaners just in child support payments. Does the divorced mother currently have a job? Is she receiving alimony payments and does she have possession of the home? What is the income level of the family? Criminal history?

If the divorced mother does not have employment and is relying on the state to support herself and her kids, then yes, drug test her and put her to work preforming community service until she can support herself and her children. If the husband is not responsible enough to pay support payments then there are ways to force him to do so. I am not against helping people that have had a bit of bad luck and need a hand getting back on their feet, though it may seem so. However, I am totally against people taking advantage of the system and making a career of welfare. There is absolutely no reason why multiple generations of the same family should be on the dole.
Government aid. Food stamps. Welfare. HEAP. WIC. Belmont. Those things.

I'm also perfectly fine with mandating community service in order to -earn- your benis. Grass needs cutting, trash picked up, streets swept up, and so forth.

As to social security, that ponzi scheme's a different discussion.
Most likely, if the woman divorced her husband and has custody of his gang of kids she is taking him to the cleaners just in child support payments. Does the divorced mother currently have a job? Is she receiving alimony payments and does she have possession of the home? What is the income level of the family? Criminal history?

If the divorced mother does not have employment and is relying on the state to support herself and her kids, then yes, drug test her and put her to work preforming community service until she can support herself and her children. If the husband is not responsible enough to pay support payments then there are ways to force him to do so. I am not against helping people that have had a bit of bad luck and need a hand getting back on their feet, though it may seem so. However, I am totally against people taking advantage of the system and making a career of welfare. There is absolutely no reason why multiple generations of the same family should be on the dole.
Give her a year for God's sake. And its nice to know that its the women who are leaving. Husbands are pillars of the community... even the ones in prison.:)
Give her a year for God's sake. And its nice to know that its the women who are leaving. Husbands are pillars of the community... even the ones in prison.:)

She can have a year, let's be nice and give her two. She just won't be idle during that time.
Some husbands need to be pilloried. Then again so do some wives.
On the surface of this, I can support the intent. However, I am not sure the enforcement is up to the intent. What is one parent tests positive? What is there is a single parent and they test positive for marijuana? In my nieghborhood alcohol abuse is more prevailant than drug abuse and causes many more problems. How would this be addressed? I don't like giving tax dollars to those that will spend it on alcohol and drugs. However, I also don't want children suffering so politicians can score political points.
Foster care is a wonderful thing.
Here's a hint "Don't Break The Law".

Out of curiosity....what part of "don't break the law" is so hard? I mean, is it that common in low-income households that people are forced to take illegal narcotics? Do roving gangs break into houses, point a 9mm at peoples heads and say "you dos a line or else Isa gunna smokes youse."

Just curious. Because, and I know this is going to be hard to believe, but, I've never ever ever had anyone point a gun at me, pull a knife on me or even shake a fist at me and threaten to kick my *** if I don't go down the block and buy some 'cronic', or snort a line of rock. Might be the sheltered living in Buffalo and all.
(And I went to an inner-city high school with gangs, drugs and guns)
Out of curiosity....what part of "don't break the law" is so hard? I mean, is it that common in low-income households that people are forced to take illegal narcotics? Do roving gangs break into houses, point a 9mm at peoples heads and say "you dos a line or else Isa gunna smokes youse."

Just curious. Because, and I know this is going to be hard to believe, but, I've never ever ever had anyone point a gun at me, pull a knife on me or even shake a fist at me and threaten to kick my *** if I don't go down the block and buy some 'cronic', or snort a line of rock. Might be the sheltered living in Buffalo and all.
(And I went to an inner-city high school with gangs, drugs and guns)
Its not that Bob, by the way its Chronic and you don't snort rock cocaine, its the fact that we need to start drug testing and paying these foster families, and in the end we aren't saving any money.
Look, I'm all in favor of mandatory extermination of the entire family, just to save costs, but some might think that excessive. So I try to meet in the middle....sigh. No pleasing everyone.

(Yes, that's meant in jest.)

Anyway, you see how much I know about drugs. I can't even get the usage down right and I've seen all the Kevin Smith films. :D
If I have to take a drug test in order to work at my job...then the people on welfare or unemployment should have to submit to the same thing to get a paycheck.

Otherwise it just wouldn't be fair.

I personally don't think the Government should be able to tell you what you can or what you can not put into your OWN body, but thats a different argument.

But since they are going to restrict me, with my full time 5 day a week job...then they should do the same to those who are using Government funds...my tax dollars.
I know just adding fuel to the fire, but as long as we are on this track I just wanted to see how far can we throw our rights away before people start complaining.

Hmmm, never knew in any of my law classes that welfare was "a right".

As Benjamin Franklin said (paraphrasing) "You have the RIGHT to the pursuit of happiness, nothing that says you will catch it."

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