Floor washing?

We train in a gym studio, the class before us is a spinning class and they always leave drips of sweat all over the floor, they have a dreadful attitude as well, the children's class is before thiers, they have 3/4 of an hour and then the adults class if after them, they barge into the end of the children's class 5 minutes early and refuse to leave for the adults class until bang on time. The instructor is very rude and we've complained a few times.

The first part of our lesson is always mopping up the drips off the floor with thick tissue, we don't moan though, we just get on with it and have a quick pre-class chat about seminars or whatever is coming up. I actually like doing it, it helps me clean their prescence away and "turn" the studio into the Dojang.
Perhaps it's just too much for the instructor to do alone and has used this as a way to get the housekeeping done without taking up alot of his time.

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