The floating Elbow, connects, absorbs,and re-directs incoming force moving it in a circular path. In Wing Chun you have the immovable Elbow which stays in a relative fixed position unlike the Floating Elbow which moves in all direction.
Connecting, absorbing and re-directing incoming force are nothing new, the Wing Chun system already develops these attributes.
In several lineages, the immovable elbow isn’t a separate theory at all… it is built into the development of the punch, built into fundamental system mechanics, and facilitates Lat Sau Jik Chung. Proper elbow position allows us to hit freely and drive the vertical fist at all times, it aids in recovery and reinforces body unity. If that means the elbow has to move in order to be free to hit or cover, then it moves. Remove the fist of the punch and replace it with a different hand or shape, and you have the same elbow principle for the entire system.
Ive been practicing Wing Chun for 40 plus years and traned with many teachers..
You’re trying to think outside the Fut Sao box. I truly hope that you continue to explore new ideas. Unfortunately though, it appears that you might be attempting to reinvent the wheel as the result of struggling with the limitations of your own understanding of the Wing Chun system.
The number of years any practitioner has put into Wing Chun is irrelevant if they have an incomplete understanding of the core concepts and principles. Improper training leads to improper development, no matter how much time is invested.
IMO to use the standard wing chun structure your talking about is slow and weak because is not move in a natural way.
Perhaps these questions can help to promote some much needed critical thinking in regards to how structure can be viewed:
Where does structure come from?
Can you clearly explain the mechanics of structure?
What are the trained Wing Chun attributes that develop structure?
Do you train the Luk Dim Boon Gwan? If so, what specifically does it teach us?
You have posted several videos, can you show an example of your structure in use under pressure?
The way i move my elbow is a natural way and is much stronger then keeping your elbow close to the centerline. I could clospe that very easy..Its structurally very weak.
How exactly would you go about easily collapsing someone's elbow?