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Okay, I've been on a couple of message boards already this summer and so far I've noticed one thing.

On debate forums particularly there are alot of stupid, mean people. They try to hide their stupidity and ignorance by "flaming" people. In case you aren't familliar, "flaming" is writing crude or obscene things just to be cruel and mean towards somebody you don't particularly like. THIS HAS TO STOP.


Flaming about Flaming....hmmm.....;)

Seriously, opinions are like butts. Everyone has one, and they all stick. Some folks, feel the need to rant, rave and slobber on their keyboards. Others can debate and discuss. I've noticed little corilation between age, gender, race or creed.

Some folks are ok, and others are just jerks. Thats why most sites have an 'ignore' feature. I use it on other boards. Here, sadly, I'm not allowed.

I must certainly remember to talk to the boss about that sometime. :D
The less you know, the more you rant. The flamers rarely back up anything they say with documentation of fact. If they did, they wouldn't have to rant.
Phoenix44 said:
The less you know, the more you rant. The flamers rarely back up anything they say with documentation of fact. If they did, they wouldn't have to rant.


usually they are intolerant of people who's opinions are different then theirs.

They feel that because someone has a different view, then it is o.k. to call them anything from "unpatriotic" to "commie" or "******" or "idiot" or "Nazi" or whatever.

I get a laugh out of flamers, because if they are flaming me, then I must be crushing them in an arguement. :uhyeah:

So I guess you could say...I like Flamers (if not allowed to get out of control)


You'll find that the flaming around here is usually kept to a minimum, as the moderators keep things pretty ship shape. As well, the large majority of posters here are intelligent and well spoken, and usually able to debate with a high level of articulation and decorum. As you become more familiar with the people and personalities here, you'll discover everyone gets along pretty good. There will always be bad apples, but most of the flaming is usually related to past occurrences, or just old friends horseing around.

Like Tulisan, for example. One of the horsey-est around.

gotta run, of course, of course.

Mr. Ed.
But there is a new form of stealth flaming it is called reputation points. people can put a serious hurt on you and you won't even know who it is.

And those found abusing that system are also dealt with, provided those attacked report it.
On my caving discussion board I automatically boot/ban anyone who flames another.. all the members know it so it doesn't happen... but then again... everyone knows everyone else in person because I keep the membership list restricted to who lives in the state and thus everyone goes caving with somebody else at one time or another.. so this helps keep the flames down to a minimum or non-existent. I allow differences of opinion and if the discussion is kept on a civil level they can disagree all they want.

Here I haven't seen much of it but then I don't canvas every single art here. Mostly I use the "new posts" feature and scroll down to whatever topic happens to catch my eye or one that I'm currently involved in. But either way I've yet to see any serious "infractions"... it must be the unwritten Martialist code huh?? heh

Rick Wade said:
But there is a new form of stealth flaming it is called reputation points. people can put a serious hurt on you and you won't even know who it is.

THere is also the 'blind account' attacks where someone will do an 'infomercial' style of questioning like "has anyone seen or heard of or about xyz..' and then the others will jump in to tear the flesh off of the topic/person. Whether it is duplicate or just folks working in collusion, it happens.
I see that as a typical Troll strategy, then the flaming is when the members jump on board and it is a free for all against one or two people. It does happen here occassionally, but we try to stay on top of it.

Trolls like that on any forum seem to work out okay in the end as long as the responders are civil. In the end, people are responsible for their own behavior in their own posts, n'est-ce pas?
I'll confess, freely, to pushing the envelope in response to flames. Some here might say I've flamed people in response...and certainly some of my responses have been quite heated. Muy caliente, certainly.

But I simply can not tolerate bigots, or bullies. Ergo...I will point out the errors of their ways. I typically don't pull punches if they've been mean and nasty. I get very, very angry.

On the other hand, I love it when people correct me with cogent arguments...well reasoned and strongly argued. My greatest friends in life are people who have taken me aside by the elbow and pointed out where I've erred...and they've come from all ends of the political spectrum.

I've seen some arguments on this forum that I thought were bogus...but argued with such passion and conviction that it was hard not to respect the poster.

I don't care for the "snipers"...who launch little ad hominem attacks, throw out red herrings, build straw men...whatever...and then leave when things get hot. I have this vision of these folks throwing their hands up in exasperation while sitting at their keyboards because they simply can not articulate an argument or properly research for one. So they take aim, fire and duck.

I have no use for these people save one: They show young men like Martialartist68 how NOT to argue. And that, young Patrick, can be a very good thing.

By the way, congratulations on a well done test. I heard you did quite well.


hardheadjarhead said:
But I simply can not tolerate bigots, or bullies. Ergo...I will point out the errors of their ways. I typically don't pull punches if they've been mean and nasty. I get very, very angry.

I've seen some arguments on this forum that I thought were bogus...but argued with such passion and conviction that it was hard not to respect the poster.

I don't care for the "snipers"...who launch little ad hominem attacks, throw out red herrings, build straw men...whatever...and then leave when things get hot. I have this vision of these folks throwing their hands up in exasperation while sitting at their keyboards because they simply can not articulate an argument or properly research for one. So they take aim, fire and duck.
So you will stand on principle and call attention/counter such behavior when it is taking a topical discussion way off track and diverting the thread to be more about the messenger instead of the message. I have watched this from you. Never really had a problem with your tact in these issues. Can't say I have been as tactful in all cases myself, but we learn as we go.
loki09789 said:
So you will stand on principle and call attention/counter such behavior when it is taking a topical discussion way off track and diverting the thread to be more about the messenger instead of the message. I have watched this from you. Never really had a problem with your tact in these issues. Can't say I have been as tactful in all cases myself, but we learn as we go.

People will go off topic all the time...digressions happen, and particularly in actual conversation. But if the digression is intended to intentionally deflect the discourse, then it is inappropriate. Sometimes these deflections are done without the poster being consciously aware of the rational error. Example:

Poster #1: "Prisoner abuse is inappropriate and unbecoming a nation as great as ours."

Poster #2: "Hey, you don't see US flying planes into buildings and beheading people!"

The response is inappropriate. The topic wasn't 9-11 nor terrorist executions. The three topics can't be tied in at this point. It is nothing more than an appeal to emotion, and inappropriate.

Hey...if anybody catches me doing any of this myself, call me on it. I'd appreciate it. I'd appreciate tact, too, but I'd certainly like to be corrected if I get off track in such a way that is intellectually dishonest.



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