First time in MA, starting TKD tonight.



Just wanted to thank everyone for all the information that I have received by reading old posts on this board. Tonight my 6yr old son and I start our TKD training. I hope that I choose the best academy for us to begin our journey. Thanks again.
Welcome to the fun. My kids started almost a year ago and I joined them in June. It's been a lot of fun; if occasionally painful :)
Right on, JRush! Have a blast! Let us know as you continue to train how you feel about your training. There's some very experienced TKD practitioners on the board who can give you some feedback and answer questions, etcetera.

You will have fun it like no other sport where father and son and family can train together. Good luck and keep us informed.
Well if its more traditional with a little sport aspect, some tournaments, that's good too. But Terry is right, MA, can last both of your lifetimes unlike football, soccer etc. Some of the best times with my kids were going to, in class, coming back, tournaments, parties, or having celebrations. Take pictures, delegate Mom to that or she can join in too! TW
Good luck to you and your family!

There must be something in the air...I had 2 parents decide to join their kids in training over the past 2 weeks. They decided they may as well get up and move instead of sitting for 1.5 hrs a class...:)

Well the first night was fun.. my ankles and hips are SORE.. I didnt think that I could bend that way... But I can not wait for the next class..
Glad to hear you had a great time the soreness will go away never, only kidding it takes time but eventually that will disapear along with everything else hang in there and let as knoww how things are in a wek or two.:asian:
Give it time! Soon you'll be wondering how come the newcomers are having so much trouble bending...
arnisador said:
Give it time! Soon you'll be wondering how come the newcomers are having so much trouble bending...
Heh, I remember that moment. Sparring a newbie and wondering if I was that uncoordinated when I started.