First thing you wanted to learn


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D
Lisa said:
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D

How not to break people when you grab them and place them into an interference fit with a wall. :)
Lisa said:
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D
Hey Lisa :) I can just see you doing your little katas I am picturing you with your rising sun bandana wrapped around your forehead.. crane stance arms outstretched perched up on a stump down at the beach at dawn.. I bet you were the bees knees! :)

When I started out I think I was a teenager or maybe not even.. My inspiration was Seagal plain and simple.. Hey I wanted to be Nico.. I wanted to prove I could really throw someone like that.. that it was not just a figment of Hollywood choreography.. I wanted to prove even if I was small I could still move someone bigger who was bearing down.. well twelve thirteen years later I think I got some Seagal moves down pretty sweet.. I am STILL trying to acquire the belly and the menacing eyebrow though, ha! :D
When I was a kid and I imagined being able to study a martial art I wanted to learn how to kick. Now I'm pushing 40, teach Jujutsu, and I hate throwing kicks. Lol. Go figure.
Jenna said:
Hey Lisa :) I can just see you doing your little katas I am picturing you with your rising sun bandana wrapped around your forehead.. crane stance arms outstretched perched up on a stump down at the beach at dawn.. I bet you were the bees knees! :)

LOL! Jenna, not quite but that does remind me of my instructor a little bit! :D

Jenna said:
When I started out I think I was a teenager or maybe not even.. My inspiration was Seagal plain and simple.. Hey I wanted to be Nico.. I wanted to prove I could really throw someone like that.. that it was not just a figment of Hollywood choreography.. I wanted to prove even if I was small I could still move someone bigger who was bearing down.. well twelve thirteen years later I think I got some Seagal moves down pretty sweet.. I am STILL trying to acquire the belly and the menacing eyebrow though, ha! :D

Too Cool Jenna. I think we have all had the fantasy of kicking someone's ***, however, Steven Segall? lol, I am sure of one thing, you probably are a better actor! :lol:
When I started, I had no clue, except that I wanted to get the guy who dragged me in to quit bugging me about it... although I quickly fell in love with tuls (patterns) and those are still my first love.
When I was 7, I watched a martial arts demonstration. There were lots of talented people presenting kata, self-defense, and choreographed routines. I was impressed with all of it, but was especially impacted by one of the instructors who, from what I understand now, demonstrated a very short and basic form. His movements were so sluid, his pace so measured, and his strikes so precise. He embodied grace, power, and control. I always wanted to be able to move like that.
After about the first 5 min I realised I wanted to learn how to fall without hurting,or breaking something :uhohh: :)
Lisa said:
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D

A high forearm block.
Lisa said:
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D

Katas were my thing too. I couldn't get enought of them I was so excited everytime I was gonna learn a new one I was the first one in class that day lol.
Lisa said:
When you started your Martial Arts journey and you were the excited newbie in the class, what was the first thing you wanted to learn. What was it that you just couldn't wait to be shown. A certain kata? A technique? what?

When I started Karate I wanted to learn katas really really bad. I thought they were so cool! :D

I'm with you there, I wanted to learn forms so badly I could taste it. I'm at that point again, now that I am studying Kajukenbo they aren't going to be teaching me any forms at all for a few months. :waah:
Balance..I was recovering from an industrial accident that broke both legs..I was told that the MA would help me recovery balance and reverse the antrophy,,They were right...
Jenna said:
Hey Lisa :) I can just see you doing your little katas I am picturing you with your rising sun bandana wrapped around your forehead.. crane stance arms outstretched perched up on a stump down at the beach at dawn.. I bet you were the bees knees! :)

When I started out I think I was a teenager or maybe not even.. My inspiration was Seagal plain and simple.. Hey I wanted to be Nico.. I wanted to prove I could really throw someone like that.. that it was not just a figment of Hollywood choreography.. I wanted to prove even if I was small I could still move someone bigger who was bearing down.. well twelve thirteen years later I think I got some Seagal moves down pretty sweet.. I am STILL trying to acquire the belly and the menacing eyebrow though, ha! :D

With you being an and I could hang out. Seriously, hapkido and aikido have serious randori fun.

Seriously, yeah I was serious.......I wanted to do the splits like van damme, the jump spinning cresent was what made me as a teen want to be a good kicker. Watching Above the Law at 15, hmmmmm.......I spent more of the movie picking out the hapkido wrist technique (Variations of) than I did watching the story.

Watching Bong Soo Han do the hapkido in Billy Jack was awe inspiring. Dad used to let m sit in on class, for the throwing/punching/ wrist locks till 14 though.