First practice focusing on kicking since my injury.


Blue Belt
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score
Vegas baby!
I'm slowly healing and working on my flexibility again. The only things I can't do are any kind of pancake or folding type stretches. I am slowly working out the tight muscles though. I can't attempt to do too many kicks above the abdomen area for now though.

The first video is just a 1 minute highlight of today's workout. I'm currently uploading the full video and will post it when it's ready.

The full video..

A note...been dealing with a lot of inflammation and higher cortisol levels, as well as changing up my diet switching to higher calories and carbs leaving me feel bloated and holding way more water than I'm used to. This workout I felt soooo sluggish.

I'm not 100% where I was at, but I continue to rehabilitate with stretch routines and workouts and recoveries. It's so depressing at times not making progress but to have to catch up again
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Hello Sky,

I have been practising martial arts since quite a long time, I have trained in following:

Kung Fu
North Korean Taekwondo
Ju Jutsu

Currently I am actively practising Karate.

I have always been a pretty good kicker, especially due my long legs and it kind of always has been my thing,especially since Kung Fu and TKD.

Maybe I can give you some advise!

It is very hard to accurately explain all tiny mistakes and share improvements just by forum and video, so I will try to give you a general advise you might keep in mind when doing this kind of training.

1. When you execute your kicks, make sure you hit with a solid spot of your food, i.e not the tip of your toes.

2.When you execute your kicks, make sure to go back in to a stabile and solid stance right after, you seem to slender away after each kick, this is a very bad mistake that can accidently stick with your habit and get you hurt in a self defence situation or a sparring match.

3. Try combine workout more often and if possible at all times, means keep your cover up and keep hitting and kicking that thing, try some combinations try to see the opponent in your work equipment. Cover up at all times.

4. Punching, I see your face is way too open when you hit and you dont pull your hands back in to position quick enough, this will get you KOed very quickly in a fight.

5. I am not sure where you live, but I recommend you to visit a martial arts school actively so someone can correct your moves and you can have some sparring with opponents soon as this is very important.

I hope I could help you at least a bit and it helps you to improve your technique. If you have any further question, feel free to message me!

Sry for the English, I am not an English native speaker nor do I live in an English speaking country, I am a bit out of practice.

Thank you.. have a nice day..