First night sparring with the fighters


Purple Belt
Hey whats up guys!Tonight was my first night fighting with the fighter's!!It went pretty well! I didnt know if I would get torn to shreads but I ended up having some pretty competive matches.This time(as oppose to when I first started training Muay Thai) I spent ALOT of time working on the clinch.Against shorter fighters,I would try to close the distance by creeping up behind my jabs,with the taller ones (well except on,who demolished I used the clinch as a counter.It(clinching) really helps against taller opponets because its to dangerous to stay in kicking range,punching range is even more dangerous,and it takes to much vauble energy to be in a 100% evasive mode so the clinch works best(well at least for me) cause it takes away that reach advantage.Now I have to work on not getting hit while going to for it.I also accidently kneed someone in the face while we where clinching though,his nose started gushing blood but he's ok though.

Well I just wanted to share all of that!Sorry!lol
Sounds great Slihn. Enjoy it and have fun. You will definitely learn some valuable skills working with the more experienced fighters/students. Good luck buddy!!
Thanks! I cant wait to spar again!!! It is awesome to spar against other serious fighters! Its a real eye opener of what's real and whats not,what works and what doesnt,and the importance of knowing the clinch as well as all ranges of combat.
Glad you enjoyed it Slihn!

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