First Black Belt

This Wednesday night I am going to promote my first black belt. I have been teaching for over 30 years and I have never had one person go all the way to black belt. His name is Steve and he has been coming for seven and a half years. I have posted a couple of pictures of him. He has never missed a class without a legitimate reason. He has been consistent and serious about his training all these years. Steve has fought in the advanced or black belt division in the last 3 tournaments. He took a bronze medal in the AAU State Championships. I am really proud of him because I never had to water down the training for him. I have lost about a hundred students over the years because I teach a tough system called Vee-Jitsu in a very military style the way I was taught. I never quit my day job so I don't depend on teaching MA for a living. I don't do it for the money I do it because I love it.
Sensei Tom
Congratulations to you and your student! I remember several years ago, my first student to make it to black belt... it's quite a feeling.
Congratulations Tom. That's great! Congratulate Steve for us also. That is no small accomplishment. He certainly has earned it.
A proud papa and his new BB? Congratulations to both of you! I'm sure you've put a great deal of effort into his instruction and I'm sure he's earned every bit of the belt.
Congradulations for both the student and the teacher. In my 10 years of MA training, I have yet to earn the coveted BB. This is due to my on and off again training and somethings that were out of my control. I can't imagine what it feels like to award a BB to a student...I guess it's like giving your child the keys to the car.
There's no doubt that Steve has more than earned this honor. He's also earned my respect for taking the difficult path. And you have earned my respect for providing that path without compromising your values.
Very cool.
Also, the fact that it took hime 7+ years to make BB tells me that you run a tight ship.
Great work!

Thanks guys,

I feel like a kid witing for Chistmas. I can't wait till tomorrow night. I got him a really nice plaque that he can keep for the rest of his life. The ceremony itself is like this - all the other students get to throw the person being promoted. But it's all good.
Thanks Again,
Sensei tom

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