Fire Extinguishing Grenades


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
At first I thought by the title it was going to be some idiot with a fire extinguisher and how it blew up on them... but no this is a consumer product made in Japan and while the video is in Japanese the product demo speaks for itself.
Wonder what the chemical is and if it'll make it to the states and elsewhere. Seems like a good last ditch effort to put out a fire in the kitchen (or anywhere else in the house/work) OR at least to create a possible escape route that would've otherwise been cut off by the flames in a major fire.
Check it out.


Firefighters and other EMS on the forum what do you think?
That is some seriously cool packaging.

There are limitations -- they have to demonstrate an actual fire in the makeshift shed because the ampules only work in tightly enclosed areas. There is a small amount of product dispensed, and the focus is more on snuffing the oxygen out of the air, than smothering the fire.

A similar (but not quite as cool) product is available in the US:
That is some seriously cool packaging.

There are limitations -- they have to demonstrate an actual fire in the makeshift shed because the ampules only work in tightly enclosed areas. There is a small amount of product dispensed, and the focus is more on snuffing the oxygen out of the air, than smothering the fire.

A similar (but not quite as cool) product is available in the US:
True... best way to knock out a fire is to take away it's oxygen but it seems that in that shed that is what the product does... just that little splash isn't going to do it... so there has to be something of a chemical reaction that was a contributing factor to knocking the fire out.
High tech water-balloon indeed but I don't think it's just plain water.
Have to do a bit more research on it I reckon... I'll see what I can turn up.

The spray can seems interesting found more info on it here...