Finger jabs and shots to the testicles

lll000000lll said:
i don't know about anyone else but if i was being attacked by a female i would restrain them. because i definitely don't hit women, but if i couldn't restrain them. what else could you do? I'm a big boy i can take an ***-whoopin.

As to real self defense, you better hit anyone who is threatening your life or family. If a woman attacked me and seriously tried to hurt or kill me, you better believe I would do alot more than just hit her. Its pretty stupid to let someone hurt you because you think there is some rule about hitting women. Bottom line is you go home, regardless if its a man or woman.

Hey 7Star, I agree 100%. I myself would only deal with an attack from a woman depending on her level of violence. A slap a can walk away from. A kick at my groin, that's a little different, and slashing at me with a knife is a whole different ballgame. Why would such a big boy who can take a butt whooping even consider being attacked by a woman. Did you P*** her off that bad you will have to weather a womans scorn? LOL. PEACE
7starmantis said:
As to real self defense, you better hit anyone who is threatening your life or family. If a woman attacked me and seriously tried to hurt or kill me, you better believe I would do alot more than just hit her. Its pretty stupid to let someone hurt you because you think there is some rule about hitting women. Bottom line is you go home, regardless if its a man or woman.


Eh, I see his point. I agree though, if we're talking a 7' Amazon with a spear all rules are off. If it's just some frail little spazzed out (and unarmed) valley girl then just restrain her ****.
Jimi said:
Hey 7Star, I agree 100%. I myself would only deal with an attack from a woman depending on her level of violence. A slap a can walk away from. A kick at my groin, that's a little different, and slashing at me with a knife is a whole different ballgame. Why would such a big boy who can take a butt whooping even consider being attacked by a woman. Did you P*** her off that bad you will have to weather a womans scorn? LOL. PEACE

i have never been attack by a women except for my sister, when i was 7, lol i was just entertaining the form with a thought. i think it is an interesting topic.
. Finger jab to the eye/s=Taking the pearl
Finger strike,wrist strike or palm strike to groin=Finding the snake. LOL. PEACE

"Snake In Eagle's Shadow"?
FearlessFreep said:
. Finger jab to the eye/s=Taking the pearl
Finger strike,wrist strike or palm strike to groin=Finding the snake. LOL. PEACE

"Snake In Eagle's Shadow"?
You called it, I knew someone would catch that! PEACE
I would like to bring up the concept that your attacker may be on drugs at the time. A groin shot may only serve to piss them off. A thumb to the throat has a chance of being effective, while a thumb to the eye is a sure thing.

Remember folks, this is street fighting we are talking about and anyone out there today that has the balls to attack you for your money is likely to be on drugs at the time. If it is something like meth, you have your work cut out for you finishing them off. Not that you can't but you have to take it to the next level of violence when dealing with them. AND I agree with some here that if you don't practice it you won't use it.......
Dave Dickey said:
I would like to bring up the concept that your attacker may be on drugs at the time. A groin shot may only serve to piss them off.

An excellent point...
Here's a couple of thoughts:

A groin shot or jab to the eye or throat is pretty serious stuff, so it would have to be a pretty serious situation.

What if you punctured their eyeball? You better have had just cause come your day in court.

You can just as easily drop an attacker with a strike to the solar plexus.

Another thing to consider about groin attacks: as this is a vulnerable spot, the flinch reaction is pretty ingrained in most guys. That is to say, it isn't as easy to hit "on the mark" in real life as it is in practice.

If they turn slightly to one side, you might end up just hitting a thigh and REALLY pissing them off as they realize what you tried to do.

If using a kick, I recommend using a straight-line kick instead of upward moving. An upward moving technique can easily be caught between the thighs before hitting the mark as most guys won't stand bow-legged to allow easy access.

FWIW, I had someone try to kick my jewels and that is exactly what happened: it stopped between my thighs short of the mark. I was NOT pleased with his attempt and expressed my displeasure in a way he probably hasn't forgotten.
lll000000lll said:
highly effective in self-defence. what are your thoughts on them?

do you use finger jabs?

or focus on the testicle region when trainaing?

Finger Jabs are nice. I like them. People need to practice just like any technique to keep them fresh.

I try not to concentrate on any part of the body.