Finally posting my intro


White Belt
Hi, I have been a member for some time now so I figured it was about time to post an intro. I started martial arts back around 90-91, as part of physical therapy after a car accident I was in as a child. I never got very far after I started to recover, because I had so many other things going on with my recovery, however, I never lost interest. Then, about 2 years ago, someone tried to give me a knee to the groin, and the skills that I had forgotten started coming back. After that, ironically I met up with my old instructor, and started training again. Right now, I am doing the 9 temple exercises twice daily, along with some bo-staff exercises to build my qi. Anyway, that's me. I look forward to chatting with ya'll soon.
Welcome back, bro.
Thanks guys, I'm just wondering if it would be a bad thing to study without a sensei. I had gotten things started back with mine, got the temple exercises down, and the bo staff down pretty well, then he had some medical issues. However, I am not sure if he will be able to go back to lessons. I have kept up with my training in the meantime, but I was just wondering if it would hurt to train on new techniques on my own. I'm not sure how much the form could be hurt.
The problem with new exercises is - if you do them wrong, repeatedly, they'll get hard wired. The more you practice bad or slightly off technique - you're just plain screwed.
Welcome to MartialTalk. Hope you enjoy it.

Most people will agree that trying to train yourself from books and videos is at best a lot of effort for no real return, and at worst not just a waste of time but a good way to form bad reflexes.
Welcome to MartialTalk. Hope you enjoy it.

Most people will agree that trying to train yourself from books and videos is at best a lot of effort for no real return, and at worst not just a waste of time but a good way to form bad reflexes.

Got it covered. I just talked with my sensei, and things are definitely back on track.

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