Thanks. In the first video I was fighting a lot from half guard to begin with. At about 1:25 when he stood up I was looking for a De La Riva guard hook, but he had good grips and stayed too square, so I just kept my guard open and controling sleeves, and then the ankle and sleeve. When I was able to get my feet on his hips I switched to sleeve and colar grips (1:53), because I wanted to get underneith him for an elevator sweep. You can see that I lifted him off the ground (1:59) in the attempt, but wasn't under him far enough. I think I should have hopped closer and tried again, instead I extended my hips out and tried to take him back. He happened to lean forward at the time and I kneed him pretty good in the head. It was an accident, and I probably should have kept going, but he and I both hesitated, and the ref stopped it for a bit and I had got kneed in the face at some point before that, so my lip was bleeding too, so I went and cleaned off my lip.
The ref then restarted us in the middle of the mat, and I got the grips I thought I had when we stopped, and he his (2:19). With the restart, his grips on my legs were tight, and I had a hard time trying to break them, and he was able to push my legs to the side, but was only able to pass back to my half guard (2:34). I kept my shin in his bicept and sleeve control just to see if I could maybe sweep, but his base was too good, so I started working for a deep underhook trying to sit up to a sitting up guard(2:58). I couldn't get a good base to sweep from there and he kept comming onto me so I worked to an x-guard (3:17). I had his left leg underhooked, but not as high on my shoulder as I would have liked, and control of his other ankle. He was able to just hold on there, but he was stuck and so was I. Cassio told me to let go of the ankle, so I did (3:28), but I feel I had better leverage over him while I still had it, so I think that was a mistake. Without that ankle he didn't feel threatened for being swept backwards, and he also managed to threaten me with a inverse armbar on my left arm (3:37) that was enough to make me nervous about it, so I went for the armbar, but never really had it. That lead to his pass (3:46). He only got an advantage for it though, because he didn't control me long enough to get the points and I was back on my knees, and just found myself in a good position to take him back over(3:59). Sweep for me, immediately followed with a guard pass.
Anyway, in both of my matches he got me with that foot in the bicept sweep, and that's what he caught me with next (4:18). He then set up the classic oppisit side armbar from side control (4:54). I'm mad, cause no-one catches me like that in training, but he got it.
Anyway, It's more than you asked, but seeing I used different types of guards in that match, I started watching so I could explain them, and then just got carried away.
For your other question, yes it's the Adult Purple Belt Heavyweight division I was competing in.