figures and numbers


Senior Master
To those who are sambonims, can you tell me how many students reach the black belt ststaus? I mean for example, how many of a 100 students get the 1st dan black belt? and How many of X number of 1st Dans got their 2nd dan? and so on?

Manny in thirty years of teaching TKD I have personally tested 17 for 1st Dan and out of that only two have made it to third, so not to many. Alot stop training when they hit 1st but want to continue teaching but not with me if you do not train you do not test nomatter how much you teach. Teaching and training is a seperate thing.
Manny in thirty years of teaching TKD I have personally tested 17 for 1st Dan and out of that only two have made it to third, so not to many. Alot stop training when they hit 1st but want to continue teaching but not with me if you do not train you do not test nomatter how much you teach. Teaching and training is a seperate thing.

Terry thank you very much for your info, I am teaching a new class "dad's class" and I hope this class will grow to fill a need I have to teach others, but right now I am not training and just teaching, this would be for some weeks to see how my foot progress, but definetively as you state an instructor must train to get his next dan and this is a must.

Thank you budy.

At my school, it seems that eventually most students will get a 1st poom(most are kids) after 4+ years. The ones are that actually stay till their 1st DAN are far and wide. We have roughly 15-20 BB of which 2 are second pooms. 2 are 2nd dans. 3 are 3rd Dans including me. In the past 15 years since we started only 3 have reached 4th Dan so im gunna assume the numbers are small like this in other places

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