FEMA, fake reporters and So. Cal. wildfires


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WASHINGTON - The White House scolded the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Friday for staging a phony news conference about assistance to victims of wildfires in southern California.
The agency — much maligned for its sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina over two years ago — arranged to have FEMA employees play the part of independent reporters Tuesday and ask questions of Vice Adm. Harvey E. Johnson, the agency’s deputy director.


Apparently, plants were posing as reporters asking soft questions. Was this supposed to better their reputation???? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????

I read this story with my mouth open. Dunno why anymore.
The questions and responses will be all over Fox News without the revelation of the reporters' identities.

This is Jeff Gannon all over again but without the gay porn.
Apparently, plants were posing as reporters asking soft questions.

"Mr Oak, your question?"

"Yes, can we hear from Ms. Fern?"

Oh... Plants. Are we supprised by anything the government does anymore?

Maybe if they did somthing for the people or told us the truth... that might supprise me.
So, when Presidential Candidate Ron Paul talks about cutting this agency and all of the other agencies that have completely destroyed their credibility, why are so many so quick to protest? I think its something to consider. Corruption is buried so deep in this government that the only way to root it out is to kill it.
I have posted this in my rather controversial thread "Is anyone out there Still a Republican?".

FEMA as it stands today is completely an entity of George W Bush. He rolled it into the Department of Homeland Security. He has appointed the leaders of FEMA; including Michael Brown, a man whose qualifications were that he organized horse shows.

After having demonstrated the incompetence of FEMA through Hurricane Katrina, the Bush Administration has had more than two years to correct those incompetences.

They have failed.

The 'plants' were FEMA employees. These employees, pretending to be reporters, asked softball questions, and allowed the director to answer unchallenged. The director was allowed to paint glowing reports of FEMA successes. It is symbolic of the way this Adminstration handles everything.

Actual facts are not relevant.
The words they use to describe things are wished to be true, and so reported as true.

The White House is desperately trying to distance themselves from this fiasco. But, I am reminded that a fish rots from the head. Mr. Bush often has reporters (albeit friendly ones) ask prescribed questions in his press conferences; why should the FEMA directors behave any differently?
Hey Larry King and CNN have been doing the same thing for decades.
They Gave Bill Clintion a complete pass. His whole term.
It Was't until Fox and O'reilly stated kicking there butts in the ratings that it became and issue.

That being said, I can't believe Fema, what a total farce. Who in the world would think they would get away with that.
Sence were blaming Bush for every thing.
I hear he was spotted out side Malibu in some brush with a bick lighter.
I remeber here in Phoenix the year Slick Willey was impeached, none of the Democrats running for office had the little donkey on there campain signs, trying to distance them selves from him.

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