27 Terrorist Risks allowed by TSA to continue to have flight privilages.

Bob Hubbard

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The Transportation Security Administration cannot determine the real identity of thousands of the people to whom the Federal Aviation Administration has issued licenses as pilots and aircraft mechanics, but has located an additional 27 who should not have held them because of terrorist connections, according to an internal report by the Department of Homeland Security.

a private data analysis company in New York determined that the man convicted of bombing Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 still held an F.A.A. license, as did a man caught trying to smuggle military equipment to Hezbollah in Lebanon, a man convicted of trying to manufacture an airborne poison in his basement and a self-described "eco-terrorist" who fled the country after he was indicted on a charge of arson.

Shocking. Little Tammy needs to have her dolly stolen and naughty bits rubbed by the nice man in blue, "For Safety" but some anonymous nutter with ties to terrorists still gets to fly his plane. I wonder which one is the security risk? Quick, grab a TSA screener and give him 3 tries. But they still don't get it.

Shocking. Little Tammy needs to have her dolly stolen and naughty bits rubbed by the nice man in blue, "For Safety" but some anonymous nutter with ties to terrorists still gets to fly his plane. I wonder which one is the security risk? Quick, grab a TSA screener and give him 3 tries. But they still don't get it.

LOL! Man, you'd think that the screening, technology, etc, would be better, but I guess not. I mean, the article says they're having great difficulty in doing the work? Umm...why? Whats so difficult about it??
It seems that they don't have a reliable way of knowing who they give pilots licenses to.

Funny. I had to submit a shitload of paperwork to get my drivers license, and my marriage license.

You'd think that something like an airplane might require similar, ah, paper.

Guess not.
It seems that they don't have a reliable way of knowing who they give pilots licenses to.

Funny. I had to submit a shitload of paperwork to get my drivers license, and my marriage license.

You'd think that something like an airplane might require similar, ah, paper.

Guess not.

Ditto. I recall when we applied for our passports....lots of paperwork. ****, fill out a job app. and they want to dig back to jobs that you had years ago. Amazing....

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