You claim that they had no influence on GOP strategy at all. This isn't reflected by historical fact.
Once again. Wow!
Not only can you not see the forest for the trees, but you must put words into people's mouths in order to support a weak argument.
Point me to where I said that those Democratic racists who moved to the Republican Party had no influence.
What I said was that I find it highly improbable that even several racist Democratic politicians who moved to the Republican Party could cause tens of millions of non-racist Republicans to all of a sudden hate minorities.
And I find it highly improbable that tens of millions of racist Democrats would all of a sudden become happy-feely integrationists.
And if you posit that all of those people merely switched parties, show me the proof of that.
And, as I intimated with the reply on the Southern Stategy, show me the proof. And show me in other then some convoluted "code word" way.
But let's not forget, Robert Byrd was not only a racist, but a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Not only was he a member of the Ku Klux Klan, but he was a leader in the group, founding a new chapter of the organization.
But we can forgive him, but Strom Thurmond can never be.
Just as long as he never attended church for the sake of attending church, or any of the other people at that church.
]Just as long as he never attended church for the sake of attending church, or any of the other people at that church.
He may have, but I point it out as a viable alternative. Politicians do many strange things.
But it's interesting that you would excuse Obama as a politician, especially one now holding what is considered the highest office in the country, for attending a church to worship God for 20 years where his
self-admitted mentor would say such things as "God damn America", hold anti-semitic, if not anti-white, views, and be what the majority of Americans would call a conspiracy nut (AIDS was created to kill Black people).
If he attended out of a sence of legitimate worship, then we have a lot more to worry about then you think.
Pretending it didn't happen? Classy.
Once again, you insist on putting words into someone else's mouth. Who's pretending that it didn't happen. There are a lot of political strategies in existence in the United States. The Democrats trot them out (based on fear and anger), and so do the Republicans (based on fear and anger).
Just to make it clear: I have no doubt that the Southern Strategy exist(s/ed). But it was just that,
a strategy. In no way does it
necessarily mean that everyone in the Republican Party all of a sudden became a racist.
But these types of different political stategies exist. Why? Because in modern day America, no one relies on facts or principles. The only way to get the American public to vote is in such a manner as elicits an emotional response.
Just as you do in insisting that one must be a racist (or any other x-ist) in order to be a Republican.
I'll tell you, as a Black man, that I find the Democratic insistence that I need a hand-out, extra protection under the law, and Affirmative Action in order to succeed in life, much more denigrating and insulting then anything I have seen the Republicans say or do.