FBI issues alert on IE vulnerability

Do you trust it to not have a vulnerability once turned off?

Don't know, I have not tested it since we use it at the enterprise level.

However my gut say no. It will still be in the registry and I am also guessing it will still register in MS update and you will still get the IE updates showing up
What's the outcome of doing that? Does it effect other functionality?

I have no idea, I have not tested it and since I have had no reason too at this time. However it was discussed in our initial Win 7 meeting but it was never pursued since everything is set up for IE... it insidious I tells ya :D

And I really have no feeling on that one either way, sorry
I haven't looked in to it personally. Firefox is my default but I keep IE where it is for the oddball game site that wont play well with Firefox

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Fear the Penguin :D

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no....... fear the hat


on the penguin

Fear the maglites!!

Oh....wait.....they fear me :D

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