Favorite summer in the 80's and why.


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
I am going to have to say the summer of 83 for me. That summer I saw Return of the Jedi, Vacation and Superman III plus all the the Raiders of the Lost Ark I could stand on VHS.
Summer of 84. I was working out at a resort and I met my hubby. Summer of partying, work and love. What more could a girl want? :)
84 for me as well. Went to some great concerts, was around some great friends. Just a wonderful time I look back fondly on.
Summer of 1989. I had just graduated from high school, and was looking forward to attending the University of Notre Dame.

That summer, besides work, was when I could really focus on Karate, and was also when my first sensei let me teach classes on my own.
Summer of '69. That's the summer I got my first real 6-string... bought it at the 5 and dime... Must have played it till my fingers bled.


Wait, no. Damn 80's music. :) I don't think I had a favorite summer back then. Most were spent at the amusement park playing video games and munchin on funnel cakes.