favorite combonations


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I was talking with my students last night on whatis there favorite combonation and why? So many different answer, so I decided to put them in a real S.D. type scenerio to see if any of these so call sport combo's would actualy work if they was being bum rushed. Well out of 13 different combo only one really workedand that was a back kick followed by an axe kick of course the back kick put the person on the floor and the axe kick was landed on them while they was down but it did have a positive effect. The cut kick round house was the one that really got taken away with the bum rush tachtic, what happen was the kick kick could not get up in time to really get anything behind the actual kick so they went down pretty fast.

Was wondering how many of you that teach the sport does anything like this and what have been your results?
One combo I really like for sport and self defense it's: lefth leg roundhouse (pit chagui) foloowed by a back kick (ti chagi) if its performed with the right timing at least one of the kicks can be landed, now just imagine both kicks landed one afther the other, the back kick is one of the best tkd kicks and it's very efective.

Another combo I like it's a lefth jab followed by a right cross and then a front kick.

Out of curiosity, what are you having them do when they "bum rush" the other students? Running in a grabbing them? Sucker punching them? Something else?


Out of curiosity, what are you having them do when they "bum rush" the other students? Running in a grabbing them? Sucker punching them? Something else?



Well first off it is us the instructors and it is only with the teenagers and adults not the childern. We are in a standing position like we are arguing when either the one arguing or one of his friend jumps at you like they are going to hit you or take you down, your job is to see it re-act and counter with one of the conbo's that they have choosen and believe would work for them. I hope that helps maybe I would make a small video and show what we do to be more clearer for everyone.
Terry, I could be missing the point, but with a bum rush I think the footwork might be more important than the kick. How many of your sport players tried to hold their place and stop the rush vs. cutting or sidestepping?

Terry, I could be missing the point, but with a bum rush I think the footwork might be more important than the kick. How many of your sport players tried to hold their place and stop the rush vs. cutting or sidestepping?


Well since you never know exactly when they are coming it is more about being able to do the tech. that you believe you can land. remember they pick there favorite combe and must exicute that combo when the confortation gets out of hand from what ever angle the one coming decide to come from. But I see your point, but still this is more for them to learn what can and want most likely would not work from there sport side for them. I will jst need to make a video and post it next week. this way the concept could be followed.
A lot of this depends on how far away the attacker is when he starts his "bum rush".

never more than four feet away most of the time two to three, so it is about being able to see, do your tech and not get taken down and get away.
How do you determine the effectiveness of the kicks? A big problem in drills like these is that the defender can not go full bore and hurt his attacker with his kicks. A full force sidekick might very well drop a guy in his tracks. Meanwhile, it's very probable that in a drill the defender would be taken down as the attacker doesn't have to respect his striking.

I own a Redman suit that I break out for similar exercises, but even then it's hard to gauge the realism as the suit slows the wearer down a bit and he's (mostly) invulnerable to pain from any attempted strikes.
How do you determine the effectiveness of the kicks? A big problem in drills like these is that the defender can not go full bore and hurt his attacker with his kicks. A full force sidekick might very well drop a guy in his tracks. Meanwhile, it's very probable that in a drill the defender would be taken down as the attacker doesn't have to respect his striking.

I own a Redman suit that I break out for similar exercises, but even then it's hard to gauge the realism as the suit slows the wearer down a bit and he's (mostly) invulnerable to pain from any attempted strikes.

Yes we go half speed really cannot detrimine everything but can gauge some of the things you look for in a SD type stituation.
To me this is not a true test as StudentCarl has already stated that you need footwork first and formost for any defending or attacking. Any and all techniques can and do work. But to simply stand there as the person rushes you is just not pratical. It is like telling a baseball player to stand 4 feet away from the batter and catch the ball when hit but don't move your feet to get into position.

Even pure SD tactics require you to move your feet. Standing still is being a bag in any situation.

Just my take on it.
Ok I understand what you are saying but to do any proper kicking tech you would need footwork that would be an absolute. When you get into any stituation you always rely on certain things that can work. Al this drill does is helpwith timing and confident in your ability to make your combo work, in any art you are never going full force for sd but working to build confident and the ability to exicute the tech.

I guess I do not know when it was said footwork was not part of a tech.
Ok I understand what you are saying but to do any proper kicking tech you would need footwork that would be an absolute. When you get into any stituation you always rely on certain things that can work. Al this drill does is helpwith timing and confident in your ability to make your combo work, in any art you are never going full force for sd but working to build confident and the ability to exicute the tech.

I guess I do not know when it was said footwork was not part of a tech.
Well if they are moving to get into the correct position for the technique and still getting run over then they need to do the drill for real to really see if what they are doing will work. To have someone bum rush at full or close to full speed knowing that they won't be kicked at full speed and force is not a true test. The only way to really test anything is for real. Not much we do is for real, that is why we free spar, to really kick or punch someone. That is if you allow full contact during free sparring, and most of us don't.

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