Favorite Blade

What's your blade of choice?

  • short sword

  • broad sword

  • claymore

  • epee

  • foil

  • sabre

  • rapier

  • katana (or other oriental blade)

  • other... please elaborate below

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I had to answer épée, since that is where most of my training lies. A close second would be either a barong or a rapier.

check this out...
Really it is hard to have any one favorite. I simply love the bolo, pinuti, barong, kampilan but yet if my life depended on a little more reach then I would have to go with the katana. I simply like most blades and it definately is hard to choose! And do not get me started with polearms such as naginata, etc. They are great to! :-partyon:

Brian R. VanCise
European Longsword (also called the bastard sword). The most versetile sword there is. You can use it as a single handed sword, double handed sword, dagger, and hammer! And the longsword is usually longer than the katana but still just as light!
Hi. My name is Fu Bag and my favorite blade is the reverse edged kukri. I find that it cuts much better than a reverse edged katana. Just kidding. :D I've always liked the katana but I'd be thankfull for anything I could get my hands on in a life or death situation.
I voted Katana. I plan to get a quality set of 3 Japanese blades. Also would like a Barong, Roman Gladius, Chinese War Sword, Khukri, pair of Butterfly Swords, Sword cane, pirate cutlass, maybe a quality sabre (a CS model, maybe the 1796), a jambiya, Kris, Baselard, Bastard sword and so on. Each requiring different techniques. But the versatility of the Japanese Katana, Wakizashi, and tanto (and Chisa Katana) make them of particular interest. I have heard that they require more careful maintenance than others.
I really like Mantis' products
I voted other. I'm just starting to learn how to use a Kriss, and I'm absolutley captivated by the blade as well as its history. :)

I've never actually used a Katana, but I think I would be quite fond of that as well. :)
I voted Katana in the poll as that's the weapon I actually train in.

If I could've given more than one answer tho', I would've added the hand-and-a-half and longsword to my 'picks'.
I voted Katana in the poll as that's the weapon I actually train in.

If I could've given more than one answer tho', I would've added the hand-and-a-half and longsword to my 'picks'.

The bastard sword. Nice choice. :)
The bastard sword. Nice choice. :)


I wasn't sure whether or not I should use the 'B' word in a polite forum like this, even tho' it's historically correct so I stuck with the much more cumbersome nomenclature :).

It's good to hear that that wonderfully flexible weapon has a good following in the 'rediscovered' WMA arena :tup:. In fact I have to admit that despite my love of MJER Iaido and the pleasure that I'm taking in learning how to teach it, I would still be very keen to find someone in my area that could instruct me in the proper use of the Bastard-Sword (or indeed the English Longsword).
I voted other. I'm just starting to learn how to use a Kriss, and I'm absolutley captivated by the blade as well as its history. :)

I've never actually used a Katana, but I think I would be quite fond of that as well. :)

Hey Carol,

I work out with a Kriss all the time and they are a fun and beautiful blade to work with. I particularly like working with a long Kriss (long knife) and a short Kriss. (dagger) The movement is just beautiful.
I work out with a Kriss all the time and they are a fun and beautiful blade to work with. I particularly like working with a long Kriss (long knife) and a short Kriss. (dagger) The movement is just beautiful.

I have to agree to with Brian. ;) :D
Gotta say katana because from the first time i held it i just loved everything about it. The way it handles, the way it looks >.>....the way it kind of moves with you no mater what movement you do with it. In my eyes it's like the perfect sword.

For some reason i've always found the big european longswords a bit too...for lack of thinking of a better word: clumsy :/
It depends on the situation: on horse, a bastard sword with a large shield. On foot, against a horse, a claymore. In close quarters I prefer a pirate cutlass (a nice, curved one - almost a scimitar). For a formal duel I would definitely go with the rapier.:jedi1:

I haven't had a chance to fight from a horse, but I've trained in all the others.

Like he says "It depends".

I'm kind of partial to the kelewang, the shamshir, the Cold Steel Desperado, the kujang, the barong or the dha depending on what I'm using it for.
I voted other. I'm just starting to learn how to use a Kriss, and I'm absolutley captivated by the blade as well as its history. :)

I've never actually used a Katana, but I think I would be quite fond of that as well. :)

You have got to wield a katana - I was fortunate to take Iaido classes for years to learn to use the one my father brought back from WWII. Recently I was able to get an incredible bargain when I bought a wakazashi to go along with it.
I'm a big fan of the longsword (it's my primary art). I prefer Oakeshott types XVa and XVIIIb. However, I really appreciate a good arming sword, especially those with brazilnut shaped pommels, and rapiers, usually of cup-hilt or pappenheimer type. And viking swords. Oh heck, I just like swords... any swords, all swords. Poetry in steel, they are. :)

Best regards,
