Eviscerate said:
Look at it from all three perspectives, when you put 'your mind' in the shoes of the mugger as dangerous as we are all purported to be, realize that someone is going to be killed by you when you couple intent to do harm with your weapon. Challenging 4 men in close quarters is asking for it, this guy knew ahead of time he was going to be doing some damage no matter how the game played out.

Well yes, depending upon the mind-state of the mugger. Once a LONG L-O-N-G time ago I WAS the mugger. While I robbed at knife point I still had the mind set that if the guy was going to play hero he was going to not like what happened. All I wanted was the money, just don't screw with me and we'll get along fine. Thankfully all my vics cooperated and only suffered me for no-more than a minute and a half ... sometimes even less. I just took the whole wallet and was GONE baby! If I got lucky (and I never was... thankfully again) and happened upon a Martial Artist coming home from the Dojo... I'd probably would've gotten my *** whupped good. Mainly because I was just as scared as half of my vics.

Thankfully (Oh GOD thank you) I don't do that stupid crap anymore. But knowing first hand how one mind may think is also capable of saying that my counterparts and like-minded buddies on the street may think totally different things. One guy is doing it for the money and the power, the next guy was of "screw the money--- I wanna see 'em shake in their boots" mentality, another thought it was a game and if something goes wrong... DO-OVER! Still another just wanted to take their "mad-out on someone" so that they'll feel better tomorrow, so give 'em an excuse... ANY excuse.

It varied but all of them were highly dangerous individuals they were armed and ready to hurt you if something doesn't fit with the scenario that THEY built up in THEIR minds... not ours, not reality... theirs!

One thing I learned is that: No-one man knows what he is capable of doing at any given time in any given situation until it happens.
You can plan on it all life-long day. When the crap hits the fan is when you're really tested. Maybe you'll do well... maybe... you won't. Better to be aware, alert, focused and full of intent when in a dangerous situation.

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