fasciitis and shoes


Yellow Belt
Doc told me have plantar fasciitis. At first he was afraid I had bone spurs and micro-fractures. X-Rays shows no bone damage but the foot is slightly damaged internally (described as ”internal bruises”) and this will prolong healing. I will have to but different shoes and do a lot of stretching. I inquired about Tang Soo Do. He strongly recommends the following: - If barefooted no activities that will stress the arch for at least three months even if the pain is gone. This precaution is because of the internal damage that may cause more serious problems.

- If with shoes, provided the sole supports the arch, I can be back in about a month.

My master will allow me to use shoes, as long as I wear them only in the dojan.

Any.suggestion on shoes or what to do?
Aye, I have that horrid ailment and so do a couple of others here, sad to say. The annoying thing about PF is that almost everybody's experience differs ... other than it hurts like ... like something that hurts a great deal :(.

For me what worked was wearing orthopedic inserts in my daily shoes. Over the course of a few months they gradually sorted things out. But I do find that after three hours of iai, especially if I've been doing kata that involve stamping, I'm limping like a wounded soldier again.

For kit you can use 'in art' tho', I don't know really what to suggest. The ordinary 'kung fu' pumps that I have seen do not have the room for inserts and certainly don't have enough support on their own. I have seen ordinary but very flexible shoes that have a velcro strap fastener rather than laces or slip-ons. They will allow the use of inserts and still be light enough and flexible enough for at least some martial arts movement.

I shall try and find out more about them if you think such a thing might help.
I've got messed up feet and ankles, and as I am on my feet all day on the job, I've also had bouts with plantar fascitis. I have a couple of pairs of custom orthotic supports I wear inside all my shoes and they have really helped. When practicing martial arts, I just wear them inside a good pair of cross training tennis shoes and it does the trick for me. I do have a clean pair set aside just for use in the studio.

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