Master Black Belt
Interesting and poignant question. Thank-you for asking.
Unfortunately for me, much of the public records in the Netherlands were lost in WW II, and my Swedish side is probably partly Saami, we're from that far north, so going back further than say my great-grandparents would be problematic. I really should find a proper geneologist and pay them to do the leg work and see what a pro could come up with.
That being said, I am very proud of my heritage, both my Scandinavian and Frankish/German sides. In Asatru, reverence for one's ancestors is very important, in addition to the more well-known aspects of reverence for the Aesir and Vanir. I think that's why I (and many other Heathens) get such a kick out of this quote from the 13th Warrior:
Best regards,
Unfortunately for me, much of the public records in the Netherlands were lost in WW II, and my Swedish side is probably partly Saami, we're from that far north, so going back further than say my great-grandparents would be problematic. I really should find a proper geneologist and pay them to do the leg work and see what a pro could come up with.
That being said, I am very proud of my heritage, both my Scandinavian and Frankish/German sides. In Asatru, reverence for one's ancestors is very important, in addition to the more well-known aspects of reverence for the Aesir and Vanir. I think that's why I (and many other Heathens) get such a kick out of this quote from the 13th Warrior:
Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother.
Lo, there do I see my sisters
and my brothers.
I see the line of my people
back to the beginning.
They do call to me to take my place
in the halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
Best regards,