Faith Groups Split on Resolution to N.Y. Islamic Center Debate

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
November 8, 2010

Faith Groups Split on Resolution to N.Y. Islamic Center Debate

Muslims, atheists, and Jews less likely than Christian groups to favor relocating

by Dalia Mogahed EXCERPT:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- American faith communities are split on the best way to resolve the disagreement regarding the Islamic center proposed to be built in New York City near the location of the Sept. 11 attacks. Muslims, Jews, other non-Christians and non-religious Americans are more likely to favor retaining the current location as originally conceived, or transforming the center into an interfaith institution. The majority of Catholics, Mormons, and, to a lesser degree, Protestants, believe the center should find another location.
The findings are from a Gallup poll conducted Oct. 5-21, 2010, with 1,729 adults in the United States, including more than 200 respondents in each religious group except "other non-Christian religion." The survey asked respondents their opinion about "the best way to resolve the current disagreement over the proposed location of the Islamic center," providing three options and also allowing them to suggest alternative options.​
There are significant differences across faith groups in response to the three options offered in the question wording, and individual faith groups mostly lack a strong consensus on the best path forward.
First line in the chart, damn those bigots...
Is it really? Because that is how anyone who opposed the Islamic center was called...

If the shoe fits...

Park51 isn't a Mosque. There will be a prayer space in the proposed building, however, the main purpose of the site is for it to be a community center. So people who oppose the "Ground Zero Mosque" let their inner bigot get them outraged without even taking the time to learn anything!
If the shoe fits...

Park51 isn't a Mosque. There will be a prayer space in the proposed building, however, the main purpose of the site is for it to be a community center. So people who oppose the "Ground Zero Mosque" let their inner bigot get them outraged without even taking the time to learn anything!
Perhaps you should reread the title:
Faith Groups Split on Resolution to N.Y. Islamic Center Debate
No one, but, you, used the word Mosque...
Like I said:
First line in the chart, damn those bigots...
No one mentioned the word Mosque except me and a huge majority of people opposing the project.

Don't forget the media that created the story about "THE MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO!" They aren't necessarily opposed to it, but they love controversy and sensationalism.
I am sure that the muslim community will act with sensitivity to the victims of 9/11 and move the community center. Since it is now more controversial than it is outreach it would be the most understanding thing they could do to show their appreciation of the touchiness of the subject.
I am sure that the muslim community will act with sensitivity to the victims of 9/11 and move the community center. Since it is now more controversial than it is outreach it would be the most understanding thing they could do to show their appreciation of the touchiness of the subject.

Probably not-they've already acquired the building, and have been using it. They've already acquired the permits-and, on that note, it's proven not to be particularly "touchy" to anyone in the immediate area.
Probably not-they've already acquired the building, and have been using it. They've already acquired the permits-and, on that note, it's proven not to be particularly "touchy" to anyone in the immediate area.

After the initial media sensation regarding this religious center a few blocks from "Ground Zero" settled down and the facts came out, it's perplexing as to why this is still a controversial issue.
After the initial media sensation regarding this religious center a few blocks from "Ground Zero" settled down and the facts came out, it's perplexing as to why this is still a controversial issue.

Because the facts don't, and never have, mattered in this case. The people driving this outrage are the same people trying to deny first amendment protection to Islam because "Islam isn't a religion". The same people trying to prevent a mosque being built too close to the sacred ground of Mufreesbo, TN. People like Pamela Gellar, to whom all Muslims by definition are unAmerican terrorists. Facts don't matter to such people, only emotions do.
Yes, it would be sooo unusual for a muslim center or mosque to eventually be taken over by extremists of the Wahabi sect of islam. Why would anyone ever think that that was a problem?
You might want to be careful what you post on this topic. Ask Theo Van Goh, ask the woman behind draw muhammad day, ask the member of the dutch parliament who helped Theo Van Goh...
Yes, it would be sooo unusual for a muslim center or mosque to eventually be taken over by extremists of the Wahabi sect of islam. Why would anyone ever think that that was a problem?

Really? How many mosque in the US have been taken over by extremist? Is there even one? I can name more Christian churches that fit into the extremist category here in the States than I can mosque.
You might want to be careful what you post on this topic. Ask Theo Van Goh, ask the woman behind draw muhammad day, ask the member of the dutch parliament who helped Theo Van Goh...

Yep, I'm sure that Islamic terrorists are perusing every internet forum out there, back-checking our screenames and email addresses in order to silence their opponents on...MartialTalk forums. :uhyeah:

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