Fair Tax?


Amongst other things, it preserves me from beginning sentences with words like, "amongst," and then going on to declare stentoriously that the fact that government needs money is, "an important mathematical concept."

Here's an important economic and ideological concept, which I believe I mentioned a while back:

All this about "flat tax," is really just a way of declaring one's faith in laissez-faire capitalism, the abolition of all government regulation of wealthy individuals and their corporations, and the rise of a libertarian society. Same thing with the VAT: look at who's pushing this stuff, and look at what the iravowed agendas are.

Problem is, you don't like the way I see the issue. By all means, attack that.
rmcrobertson said:

Amongst other things, it preserves me from beginning sentences with words like, "amongst," and then going on to declare stentoriously that the fact that government needs money is, "an important mathematical concept."

Here's an important economic and ideological concept, which I believe I mentioned a while back:

All this about "flat tax," is really just a way of declaring one's faith in laissez-faire capitalism, the abolition of all government regulation of wealthy individuals and their corporations, and the rise of a libertarian society. Same thing with the VAT: look at who's pushing this stuff, and look at what the iravowed agendas are.

Problem is, you don't like the way I see the issue. By all means, attack that.
1) That was funny. I like your sense of humour. It's quite dry.

2) The mathmatical concept to which I referred was the idea that irrespective of how the government gets paid, it comes from the citzenry. Ergo, the only meaningful way to discuss fairness in taxation is to talk about where the tax burden ought lie, which you must admit, is not where the discussion was going at all.

3) Actually, I quite like the way you see the issue. As a Canadian, I live in a society much more geared toward socialist ideology than you, which has influenced my ideas of economic responsibility. What I dislike,(as a Moderator) however, is the perpetual obfuscation of meaning, subtle insults toward the intellectual abilities of your fellow board members, and general unwillingness to remain on topic. Rather, there is a proclivity toward derogatory commentary, which generally tends to get under the skin of a lot of people, myself included. But, I shall endeavour to try to take it all with a grain of salt, for I am young, and don't know you, and for all I know you may be typing all of this with a smile upon your face and a Ronald McDonald wig upon your head. Nonetheless, I am merely trying to reign in the wild horse that is thread drift, that we may all keep things just a little more organized. Sometimes I mix up my MT poster hat and my Mod hat. Please accept my apologies, but I needed to get all that out there.
Hate to tell you this, but I very seldom even consider the intellectual abilities of my fellow posters, feeling that they are none of my business, and I also don't go in for subtle insults. Nor can I control the projections and assumptions of others, especially when they find direct attacks a helluva lot easier than simply discussing the issues, or trying to think through what I might be saying.

I don't typically digress. In this case, I try to get to the root of the issue; elsewhere, I try and discuss little things like the history of an issue.

For example: hidden under the fantasy of this, "fair," tax, there is in fact a network of assumptions about the economy and about society--even about morality. I believe them to be erroneous assumptions.

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