
lol! :p i taking it have to admit it will be hard taking it slow. did you end up needing surgery or just prolong the healing time?

thanks for the well wishes everyone.

Well I never broke my collar bone but I did seperate the clavicle and I have not yet needed surgery for any of my injuries but early in my life I had a lot of prolonged healing time due to not listening to the MD. And from time to time the clavicle still bothers me and that was about 15 years ago now. That was probably the last injury where I did not listen to the Doc.

You don't have to hit me in the head more than 30 or 40 times before I learn my lesson :D.
I broke my collar bone in jujutsu in 2002. That totally sucked because my daughter was 9 months old and was complete handful. So, yeah, this particular injury sucks. The good news is that I learned how to write left handed because of it!
I hope the for...er...horseplay was fun at least until the snappich.....hope you heal quickly and deeply, and we look forward to seeing more of you..meanwhile...an occasional 'allo would be nice...that's a fairly easy thing to type one handed.

Something that occurred to me...when I was fresh out of the box mommy, I found my keyboard had a screen keyboard that I could use with my mouse...it was much faster than typing one handed and allowed me to nurse/hold baby in one arm and type with other when she was asleep or nearly so....might be worth investigating?