Experementing with Hypnosis


Brown Belt
Ok in another thread I mentioned I started to see hypnosis mp3's for MA minded people.

Well strangely I am notoriously hard to hypnotize. Meaning of course that I can't TRY any of this stuff on myself la sigh.

Would YOU like to try it? I can make hypnosis mp3's for anyone on just about anything. I require a bit of a QA with you to make the best mp3 for you (guided imagery, vs abstract association).

I'd like two groups a control group and a not control group this would would all follow a scientific process. I would ask volunteers to keep journals and post to them at least once a day.

What do YOU get? At the very end I'll create one set of mp3's per participant to cover what ever area's they wish (no more than 3 per person).

I work primarily with eating disorders but I can help with anything from feel better about yourself to stop smoking.

So if you are interseted send me a PM and I'll go over the process.

For anyone who worries you CAN NOT be made to do anything you do not want to do under hypnosis.

You will not act funny when a bell rings and you won't think you are some famous person when someone says french fries :)

I'm finding a lack of MA oriented people to test on for my normal volunteers. Oh if this is inappropriate to post please mods just delete it and remind me to read the rules ;)

I'd be testing for (perceived) increased motivation, increased drive, increased function, increased focus or increased duration.

Thank you and good night!

--Infy adapt, improve, hubris, wisdom.
I'm game, sure. Sounds really interesting.
Hey all!

First thanks for the responses I've gotten! I'm putting together my questioner and I'm letting this run for a few days to see how many people we get so I can tailor the experiment to my volunteer base.

Expect to hear from me privately soon.

Experament Update!

So for those of you that are willing to participate I wanted to expand on the program a bit so everyone understands everything clearly.

First the program will be divided up into two groups.

1) Test Group A
2) Test Group B

One group will be the control and the mp3's will still hypnosis but will not include any performance inducing suggestions. There are issues with this how ever in that most people remember being hypnotized. So it is possible the control group will know they are the controls. I'm working on this.

The second group will have performance enhancing suggestions regarding the following categories.

1) Physical performance as classified by speed, strength, agility, stamina, and perceived pain thresholds.
2) Mental performance as classified by focus, retention, motivation, and mood.
3) Practical performance as classified by an external entity I.E. Sparring / training partner, Sifu, and or other person well versed in the subjects abilities.

I do not have the funds to test each persons real physical characteristics so we will be using a perceived model that is coupled with practical alignment.

I plan to do this by isolating the responses to the third category from the subjects. I will take the data from the subjects and combine them with the data from the external observer to build a delta. We don't have enough people to make it a quantitative test but it should be interesting anecdotal data that we can build on later.

Also this adds something distinctly unique to the site as we will be posting the results in thesis format here on MT! It may allow for further experimentation in this or other fields of study.

Now a bit more on the process for people who wish to participate (still time to sign up btw).

First I will email out a questionnaire. This will allow me to focus on the best methods for hypnotizing the subjects. Then I will send a follow up specific questionnaire to further refine the induction process.

From there I will generate the mp3's for each participant as defined by their group. Each group will be filled at random by the volunteers.

I don't want to impact to much of peoples lives so I'll have to see how much we can do. I'd like to say every day they listen to the mp3's but that might not be realistic. So I am hoping for at least every night before or every day of training. The subjects will then update their HMA (Hypnotism Martial Arts)Journals. I will supply a series of questions to answer in the journal but there will be a free form expression portion.

Some or all of this may be posted on MT but all links to who will be erased so that it is anonymous data. Anyone who provides details that shouldn't be or wishes not to have any data posted online or shared will be honored.

This will go on for roughly 3 weeks and then be updated for a tuning period. Then will continue again for 3 more weeks and be evaluated again.

I expect to have some sort of data in six weeks but we may have to continue on for 3 months to pull any sort of pattern out of the process.

At each evaluation period I will be sending out a questionnaire to a second party that can evaluate the subjects performance. This will be either through email or regular mail. Once I have that data I will compile my results. Each subject will get their own report and a general copy of the results.

Now some caveat's, I MAY I stress may need to speak via telephone to some of you especially if we hit snags where the mp3's are not working at all. I also may need to do that to get some additional clarity on the journals or perceptions. If anyone is uncomfortable with that I understand but it may limit there participation if we can't work out the snags.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still working on this. I also wanted to assure everyone the level of professionalism and effort being put into this project and how much I appreciate their participation.

More soon!
