Expanding your student base


Master Black Belt
Hey everyone!

My master and I talk about making our school grow and what we need to do to make it happen. Things are moving in the right direction but after 2 years (ive been here for year and a half) things are not moving as fast as he wants them.

I talked to him today and I felt that some changes should be made.

1. We should incorporate a private session with students so that get one on one time with the instructor. He feels that no kid has come up to him asking for it but I feel that with kids you have to motivate them and do it with them first b/c normally they wont take the initiative unlike adults. A 30 min 1 on 1 session will help kids get more into it and want to compete and what not. I know most school give students 1 or 2 30min private sessions so they can work on fine tuning things.

2. Kids need to watch my master and myself (im the senior student in our school...no ego thing) so they see how sparring is. I have seen sparring with the kids and they need help. Only 1 has tournament experience. Hopefully seeing how sparring really goes will give them the bug to want to compete being that many have sparring gear but dont do tournaments (i think it is the fear of the unknown)

3. Give students and perspective students a dvd of some TKD fights. You can easily download some off the internet and put them on a black dvd. Blank DVD's are like $20 for a pack of 50. That way students can see others in action and perspective students can see what TKD is being that most dont know. Heck UFC is on tv and CMA's are always in movies and mainstream but TKD isnt. Heck I never saw a TKD match until sometime last year on a tape and I cant even mae any famous TKD people..except Bill Wallace (if he is TKD), ernie reyes, and steve lopez. (trust me if i saw them on the street i wouldnt know who they are) Now CMA's...I can mae plenty :)

4. Stop offering a free week or 2 weeks and a uniform or any of the combinations. We all know that you dont really learn anything in a week or 2 weeks (just basic stuff which is common knowledge today). Offer straight up a month free. If they like it they will stay. If after a month they feel like they havent learned anything then cool, let them walk. What have you lost as a school? The $25 and a feee week and uniform is standard and really doesnt show anything. To me a month of active participation 3x a week that person will decide if this is what they want.

Now I dont have any experince with running a MA school but I speak as someone who has been to enough schools to know what attracts people.

What do you all think?
See my other post in the women's section.

Our school boomed because of families, mom, dad, and usually 2-3 kids in it. So most of our classes are family classes, womens, kids classes. The black belts usually go at noon so we rarely get kids then and they don't come back as the workout is adult oriented and harder.

I don't think the tapes/DVD's we show at the fair booth have helped bring anyone in. Rather, they scare them off. I've had to talk to guys to tell them privately, hey I can do it, so can you. They worry about being the breadwinner that their fingers and toes can't be injured so to speak. Alot of misconception out there.

I've had alot of women try kickboxing for a month. Love it and say bye, other things to do and easy to get out of. A month can be a long time for some so that they make up excuses not to come and get through the month that way. If they are committed to come to all the classes because they paid for them, then they see more of the benefit. We have a contract and different rates for one month, 3 months, and a year, but I have never seen it enforced. Rather it is just a waiver and commitment to train. Our month rate is pretty stiff--most go for the lowest rate-the year. 2x a week at $40. and if they get hooked they go for unlimited at $49. ten possible classes. TW
Demo's are good- they see what YOU are all about. I'm not too keen on the video's of some joe schmoe that no one knows. I'd be more interested in what the school does and is about. Offer the first month at either a discounted price, or for free- depending on budget. Does the area you live in offer community ed. courses? If so, that's another possibility.
1)A website helps alot if you present the right information. Try not to make in flashy or to technical. Present the information cusotmers adk in the dojo. We now get a good precentage of cusotmers coming in after finding us on the web. The key is to build a website that ranks high in search results.

2)Get involved in community events. Try to hook up with local community centers or parks and recreation departments. Demos, parades, fairs, etc. Our scholl marches in the Memorial Day Parade. Lots of free advertising adn eyes!

3)Do some charity events to get some press and help a good cause at the same time.

4)Start trackintg where your students are coming from - ads, internet, demos, referrals, promotions, etc. As you acquire that info, start to put your efforts in the better performing areas.

5)Hook up with local businesses in the area and create a cpupon flier with 3-4 other businesses. Each displays the coupon flier in their business.

6)Do not be too quick to throw out the 2 week class. Some people really need to get their feet wet. The key is having a continuity plan for follow up.

7)Keep the current students you have. Getting new students is great, but not id you are losiing at the same rate. If you offer contracts, do not wait until it expires to renew. Offer an early-bird renewal special if they sign up a month before their expiration.
AceHBK said:
Hey everyone!

My master and I talk about making our school grow and what we need to do to make it happen. Things are moving in the right direction but after 2 years (ive been here for year and a half) things are not moving as fast as he wants them.

I talked to him today and I felt that some changes should be made.

1. We should incorporate a private session with students so that get one on one time with the instructor. He feels that no kid has come up to him asking for it but I feel that with kids you have to motivate them and do it with them first b/c normally they wont take the initiative unlike adults. A 30 min 1 on 1 session will help kids get more into it and want to compete and what not. I know most school give students 1 or 2 30min private sessions so they can work on fine tuning things.

2. Kids need to watch my master and myself (im the senior student in our school...no ego thing) so they see how sparring is. I have seen sparring with the kids and they need help. Only 1 has tournament experience. Hopefully seeing how sparring really goes will give them the bug to want to compete being that many have sparring gear but dont do tournaments (i think it is the fear of the unknown)

3. Give students and perspective students a dvd of some TKD fights. You can easily download some off the internet and put them on a black dvd. Blank DVD's are like $20 for a pack of 50. That way students can see others in action and perspective students can see what TKD is being that most dont know. Heck UFC is on tv and CMA's are always in movies and mainstream but TKD isnt. Heck I never saw a TKD match until sometime last year on a tape and I cant even mae any famous TKD people..except Bill Wallace (if he is TKD), ernie reyes, and steve lopez. (trust me if i saw them on the street i wouldnt know who they are) Now CMA's...I can mae plenty :)

4. Stop offering a free week or 2 weeks and a uniform or any of the combinations. We all know that you dont really learn anything in a week or 2 weeks (just basic stuff which is common knowledge today). Offer straight up a month free. If they like it they will stay. If after a month they feel like they havent learned anything then cool, let them walk. What have you lost as a school? The $25 and a feee week and uniform is standard and really doesnt show anything. To me a month of active participation 3x a week that person will decide if this is what they want.

Now I dont have any experince with running a MA school but I speak as someone who has been to enough schools to know what attracts people.

What do you all think?

AceHBK if you want them to see what sparring is then invite other schools over or go to them with your group and have an inner school tournament for about $20.00 and award medals you know the generic kind. If my school can help you out we are here and you and your Master know me. Give me a call or Pm me. The inviteis open and remember the Pro-tec tournament is this Saturday just a little local tournament with about the same numbers as the last one you went too.

Bring them ove rwe can get them to sparr and do tournament you know school is big on that for the kids.
Our dojang has recently started giving talks to groups of elementary students. The students are then invited to a special lesson at the dojang and then can take introductory lessons. I don't know how successful it has been since the owner is primarily feeding these students into his beginner classes (whereas my class is mixed). I am hopeful that it does expand our student base since we have not really focused on marketing ever and we could use more students.


I think Miles has a good idea on the school demos. Another thing we do is offer incentives to existing students who get folks in the door-a small gift-keychain or something, a medium one if they sign up for a month-coupon for $5 toward MA gear-uniform or sparring gear patches etc. Finally, a nice gift for those who get the most signed up in a quarter-inexpensive uniform, sparring gear, book or the like.

Fundraisers also expose the club as well as make $ for it-car wash, candy/baked goods sale, whatever there is a market for in the area. Volunteer work is also good, try adopt a highway stuff or another community oriented cause.

Word of mouth and business cards are good too, but you need to play the numbers, figure about 1-5% return.
Kwe sewakwekon, Hello everyone , I DON'T run a school nor play someone on TV who does BUT, the Family environment another poster mentioned is exactly how the School my children attend was chosen. It's a fairly new place, just celebrating their 1 year anniversary. Some of my Eldest daughters classmates attend this school and they have Buddy Week/Bring a Classmate Week and other Drives to get you to bring in friends and Family to try their training for a week for Free. So my Mrs took them to the Amerikick in question, everyone who works at the place is GREAT with the kids and the seniors are all helpful even outside of class espescially one young lady Kaitlin who seems to have fallen in love with my girls tho she seems only about a year older she appears to be taking them under her wing whenver I bring my 5 & 6 year old Daughters to the school. Kaitlin is in their Leadership program, not a BB but senior to my kids who only recently started and are on the cusp of their Yellow belt.

The Video idea, Great for showing Dad's and I think will make many NON MA mom's CRINGE unless showing Kata excercises , Tourney footage is not a good idea methinks.

Another good idea I see at my kids school, they have a room where they can do Homework and such while waiting for their class to begin and lots of seating for parents and potential students.

My hats are off to Sensei Alex Davydov and his brother Vlad and Sensei Ross(can't recall his last name, always bringing in new trophy's)

My 2 loonies worth(Loony is $1 coin in Canada)

Skennen Peace
Some great suggestions up here. We had a much larger response when we increased our trail period from 2 weeks to a month. You're right in that it gives a potential student more time to feel comfortable in the classroom.

Probably the best thing you could do is get your name out there in a positive light. As mentioned by HKP and DV, Fund Raisers are an excellent way of doing this. It not only says "Hey. we're here" but also "We're one of you". Being, and participating as one of the community is always a good thing. Sponsoring as well.

We also run a sparring video. It initially started when we were preparing for a large tournament, but because it draws the kids attention, we've left it. The kids are fascinated by it.

Probably the most important thing is gearing the class towards effectiveness by means of fun. Yes, kids want to learn, but they don't want to be intimitated in the process.

Good luck with your growth!
Other things they do at Amerikick, easy email access to Sensei, if you bring in 5 people who sign up for lessons you get $500 towards your tuition. I never asked what's required but I ASSUME they need to sign up for at least a 3 month stretch.

Their Web page could use some work alas but they seem to be doing pretty good , about 8 students in a class. Standard Rates I see are $99 a month for 2 classes a week, there's 2 levels above that but not sure what they are.
We are currently in the month by month basis as Summers nearly here and they'll be at the Grandmothers in Santo Domingo all summer.

The only class they seem slow in is the 3 and 4 year olds, only 3 students.
Brooklyn NY is LOADED with Schools so lots of competition. There's another Franchise School here in Brooklyn too a Tiger Schulman, the rest are independents.