Exam coming up

I passed my exam!

I was extremely jittery beforehand, but the other testers helped sooth my nerves. I still felt a little nervous going into my kata, but after a few moves I forgot about the people watching a just did it, and the rest of the test went smoothly. I also received next to no criticism, which surprised me because I usually have a fair amount of criticism for myself. The only comment made was what I already knew - I need to stop raising my shoulders when I punch. It was a super positive experience, and I also immensely enjoyed seeing the tests for some higher dan ranks and hearing about their papers.

I passed my exam!

I was extremely jittery beforehand, but the other testers helped sooth my nerves. I still felt a little nervous going into my kata, but after a few moves I forgot about the people watching a just did it, and the rest of the test went smoothly. I also received next to no criticism, which surprised me because I usually have a fair amount of criticism for myself. The only comment made was what I already knew - I need to stop raising my shoulders when I punch. It was a super positive experience, and I also immensely enjoyed seeing the tests for some higher dan ranks and hearing about their papers.
Congratulations ! Now you are on your way !
Goodluck on your Martial Arts exam you will do great just make sure you focus on your techniques and katas and dont be nervous show them what you got and stay positive on everything you do and you work your butt hard so if i was to judge you will pass and dont mind what they say just do your thing that all it matter and prove them wrong
Goodluck on your Martial Arts exam you will do great just make sure you focus on your techniques and katas and dont be nervous show them what you got and stay positive on everything you do and you work your butt hard so if i was to judge you will pass and dont mind what they say just do your thing that all it matter and prove them wrong
He already passed. He posted it on Sunday, so probably Saturday. You’re only a few days late to wish him luck, but I guess it’s the thought that counts :woot:
Thank you all for the congratulations!

Well done! The fun part for me in testing was always that feeling afterward: "That's done. Now, what's next?"

Ah didn't get a chance to wish you good luck, but congratulations mate, that's awesome!!! Well deserved, kick back and relax and enjoy your achievement. Now even more fun awaits in the dojo, your horizons are broadened and much more to learn and more depths to reach :). Well done!

Fantastic! It is always great to hear someone reflect on their testing as a positive experience.
Great work. Now get ready for the next one.;)

I agree with all of the above - I now get to tackle the material for the next exam and work on some deeper concepts! I'm particularly keen to start polishing up the next kata (Heian Nidan). I've been taught 8 kata, but I don't perform them all particularly well (obviously). There are a few sloppy spots in this one that I need to improve. I've also been struggling a bit with my side thrust kick due to weak hips, but it finally started looking good in time for the test. I'm looking forward to making it better along with my round kick - it's light years better than when I started, but I still have some trouble getting my toes to point parallel to the floor at belt height. We did some against-the-wall exercises tonight to work on it and I can get my foot into the right position if I try really hard - I just need to build up that muscle memory and get it working at full speed.

Goodluck on your Martial Arts exam you will do great just make sure you focus on your techniques and katas and dont be nervous show them what you got and stay positive on everything you do and you work your butt hard so if i was to judge you will pass and dont mind what they say just do your thing that all it matter and prove them wrong

He already passed. He posted it on Sunday, so probably Saturday. You’re only a few days late to wish him luck, but I guess it’s the thought that counts :woot:

It is the thought that counts! :) I appreciate all of the well-wishes, even if they're late. And you're right, my exam was on Saturday night! I didn't mention it in my post, but I also attended a seminar all day on Saturday and then did my test about an hour later. I was really surprised but happy with myself for having a bunch of energy left to tackle the exam. Although it certainly helps that the afternoon session of the seminar was relatively low-key compared to the morning.
congratulate on your belt exam. My sun and I have one next month he will be going for his 7th gup yellow with green strip. I'll be testing for 5th gup green belt w/blue strip. This will be my second time at this rank in TKD.
congratulate on your belt exam. My sun and I have one next month he will be going for his 7th gup yellow with green strip. I'll be testing for 5th gup green belt w/blue strip. This will be my second time at this rank in TKD.
Welcome to the forum. I hope you hang around for a good while. There is a lot of informed people here.
I passed my exam!

I was extremely jittery beforehand, but the other testers helped sooth my nerves. I still felt a little nervous going into my kata, but after a few moves I forgot about the people watching a just did it, and the rest of the test went smoothly. I also received next to no criticism, which surprised me because I usually have a fair amount of criticism for myself. The only comment made was what I already knew - I need to stop raising my shoulders when I punch. It was a super positive experience, and I also immensely enjoyed seeing the tests for some higher dan ranks and hearing about their papers.

I missed this earlier! Congratulations! Being able to critique yourself is a good thing, even harshly, so long as it isn't unreasonable. It sounds like your self-criticism serves you well.

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