Senior Master
Forgive me if I'm mis-recalling, Punisher (leaky memory day today) but aren't you an LEO? I have a similar inkling of police/military with Archangel too.
I only mention it because, to me, it is quite chilling when ordinary people start talking so 'hardline', without considering just what it would be like to be in the discussed persons place. It gets a whole lot worse when professional/career law enforcers and soldiers talk the same way. That brings back images of little silver lightning flashes on peoples collars - :shudders:.
I find it interesting that you use the nazi reference as a "hardline" approach. I used the nazi reference in my post to show how people won't take responsibility for what they do and use the excuse that "they had no choice".
I'm not sure how my wanting people to take responsibility for what they do is "hardline". I see people who come from VERY bad backgrounds make the choice that they don't want that for themselves and then work to make a better life. I also see other people in almost the same situation, blame that situation for everything in their life and never take action to change it. It's like the domestic abusers I see, they talk about HOW BAD their childhood was when they were little, and how bad it was to be beaten. You know what? It was and I would never wish that on anyone, and I can empathize with them for that pain. But....they are the ones resposible for their actions TODAY!!! If it was so bad being abused and how horrible it was to endure that, then why do they chose to do it to others?
The slippery slope comes into play when we start making excuses for behavior due to past injustices. I can understand factors that could lead to criminal behavior, but that still doesn't mean I excuse that behavior. And in a court of law, if they literally DID have a gun to your head then you could use "duress" as an alibi.