
Dr. Dave,

Thanks for the clarification. I was just wondering what was going on because that seemed strange to me, but you explained it well. I also apologize if I sounded accusatory, as apparently Robert doesn't except PM's, so there would have been no way for you to contact him privately. Thanks! :)


I still don't understand why you don't allow PM's. You don't have to lend any personal information to do so, and people could contact you privately if needed. A lot of friends and aquantances can be made from these forums; not everyone is out to get you or I. There have been times when I was in the same town as other people from martialtalk, and we had gotten together and had a good time. The PM feature is a nice way to allow open and private communication in a safe manner, w/o you having to lend your personal info out. Sure, you may get the occasional clown that attacks you via PM, but not only do you not have to respond th that, you just put them on your ignore list and I believe that they can't PM you.

Anyways, I'd appreciate it if you could explain why you don't allow PM's. It perplexes me, so I am sorry to "hammer" the subject, and if you do not wish to answer and if you'd like me to drop the subject, just please say so. :asian:


Yep. I was vaguely aware of that, but could not have phrased it quite as well. Working in the medical community, I see Western scientific thought mostly represented through seeking direct causal relationships..."This bug caused that illness; this organic materia caused that genetic mutation", etc. When I start asking patients about cravings for sweet or salty foods, palpating for thready pulses, or evaluating tongue color in an ortho's medical office, I get some pretty odd looks.

*shrugs* Well, we're in the process of many significant cultural changes in the West --- and have been for about 40 years or so, I might add.

In many scientific circles, there are currently many debates about 'atomism' versus 'holism' --- often manifested say, in physics, as Newtonian model versus Einsteinian model. I personally think virtually ALL the views are fundamentally flawed in that they are horridly reductionistic and materialistic --- a holistic materialism is materialism regardless.

Nonetheless, we are in a process of change. But, really, I think this is more appropriate for another thread (which I probably wouldn't add much to, as I've pretty much said my fill here).


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