Ever heard of "Butakaneer" style of Silat?


White Belt
Hey everyone! *smiles* I was wondering if anyone ever heard of this kind of Silat called, "Butakaneer"... or something to that effect.

If you do:

1. I like know any websites that promote this type of style.

2. Are there anyone in America (specifly Los Angeles, CA) who teaches this.

3. It has also been said that this is by far the "deadliest" Silat known.

4. What makes this style different from the other silats.

Any Comments?


Silent Fox Run
"Butakaneer"? Sounds like something and indonesian pirate might use... :D

About the only thing I can think you might be hearing is Bukti Negara, which you can find their site with a quick google search (sorry, i don't have the address handy). As far as instructors, I'm sure they have a list of qualified instructors.

And in regards to the "deadliest" form... An art is only as "deadly" as the practitioner is "skillful"...

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