I appreciate your point, and I agree with you to an extent. But your own quote said that Hitler played on feelings and ideas that had been prevelant in Europe for centuries. Hitler probably didn`t go on the road encouraging pogams in Czarist Russia, and I doubt he gave speeches in the Ukraine that encouraged so many of them to turn their Jewish neighbors over to the SS. He did however stiffle people who spoke out against him. When we think of ideas being cencored and books being burned, of people disappearing in the night because they were overheard saying the wrong thing, the Nazis are one of the first images that come to mind.
When you look at the image of the lone man standing in front of a Chinese tank in Tienamin Square refusing to move because he believed in democracy for China, do you doubt that he was raised on propaganda from the communist government? I`m sure he was, but he chose to act differently. A missionary can preach his religion for days on end, it doesn`t mean the people listening will all suddenly believe. And a neo-nazi can preach hate and violence until he`s blue in the face but it wouldn`t make me believe anyone is inferior to me because of their race or ancestry. Those are choices we all make individually. I`m sure Otto Schindler who rescued so many Jews at the end of WWII heard all those same speeches, and he was even in a position that allowed him to reap huge profits from the labor of Jews in intenment camps. He was vested in the system and was a part of it, but he made a choice to distance himself from it in the end. Sometimes we choose the easy path and sometime we choose the hard one, but it always comes down to choice. I respect you Tez, and I always enjoy reading your opinions because you`re a straight shooter, but this time we`ll have to agree to disagree.