EUREKA!!! I found it

Yes Xue, That's excellent. The main differences I see between Tung and the likes of Fu Zhong Wen or Yang Zhen Ji is the high stepping and the bend at the waist. And it is interesting that his form is more like that of Yang Shou Zhong than that of the other Yang brothers. Was there a connection between Shou Zhong and Tung?

Very best wishes
That is indeed very VERY cool Xue. Happy for you that you found it.
Things like that need to be preserved for historical reasons and for future generations to learn from.
That rocks!

Nice find Xue! It is really cool what is out there if only you look.
Yes Xue, That's excellent. The main differences I see between Tung and the likes of Fu Zhong Wen or Yang Zhen Ji is the high stepping and the bend at the waist. And it is interesting that his form is more like that of Yang Shou Zhong than that of the other Yang brothers. Was there a connection between Shou Zhong and Tung?

Very best wishes

Yup, Yang Chengfu had Tung Ying Jie assist him in the training of Yang Shou Zhong. Although not Yang family Tung Ying Jie was senior to Yang Shou Zhong in years as a student of Yang Chengfu.

Also in later years thier schools were rather close in proximity
Congrats X S. Was going to comment until I read the whole thread and realized I know nothing about the subject. But it's a great find. Happy for ya'. :bangahead:
I believe there is a major interview in this months Tai Chi magazine, concerning Dung family style. The photos are quite clear. good find!
I've found a few different taichi forms on the web before, but I don't think I've come across this one before. It should be interesting to look at and compare to what I've learned. Thanks for the info and link.