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All in all, six of the articles are on history and philosophy, ten of the articles regard various healing methods, five of the articles are on vital points, and eleven of the articles are on fighting techniques and strategies. This is an incredible array of topics and they were all originally included in the martial art that became Karate. Upon critical analysis, there are some themes that become apparent. These overall themes are incredibly important for the karateka to understand because they provide the philosophic basis for the “Do” or the “Way” karateka are to follow.
Three themes stand out from these chapters. The first is philosophy, the second is knowledge, and the third is technique. These themes can be arranged in a hierarchy that can illuminate a karateka as he navigates the world. Thus, the Bubishi explains the basic ethical system underpinning the “Way” of karate.
The karateka begins all contact with others with philosophy. He uses the power of his intellect to influence the people of the world and accomplish his goals. When it comes to conflict, it is his first weapon.
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