Eragon Movie


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Apr 12, 2004
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Anyone planning on seeing this movie? I just read a bunch of user reviews and it seems that people don't like the movie and think they did a terrible job with the storyline as compared to the book....I enjoyed the book and love anything dragons, but now am having second thoughts about seeing the movie....
I WILL be seeing it. I am reading the book right now and it is hard to believe that a 17 year old wrote it. It is so well written and a good book overall.

I want to go see it as well. Right now the oldest son is reading the book and is right in love with it. I'm going to have to get him the second book in the series in the next few days.
I'm certain we will see the movie this weekend. I am afraid of a special effects movie.

Just because we can do a thing ... does not mean we should do a thing.

Someday ... when I grow up ... I want to make a movie of the first two DragonSinger books. All the other dragon stories pale in comparison to Ms. Mcaffree's - and of all the stories of Pern, none offers more of a human tale than that of Menolly.
Here's my main concern.....since i did enjoy the book, i am a bit afraid of having it ruined. That said I love Harry Potter and the movies never ruined that for me....but I always felt like the HP movies mostly sticked to the storyline just not including some of the intimate details whereas every user review I am reading says this doesn't stick to the storyline at all....or at least not well
I have not read the book and I am interested in seeing the movie. What I would really like to know is it something that I can take a 7 or 10 year old boy to? Because both of my boy's are interested in going.
I have not read the book and I am interested in seeing the movie. What I would really like to know is it something that I can take a 7 or 10 year old boy to? Because both of my boy's are interested in going.
this is the rating....i think it will depend on your sons if they can handle this type of thing....

[SIZE=-1]MPAA Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]PG for fantasy violence, intense battle sequences and some frightening images.[/SIZE]
I have not read the book and I am interested in seeing the movie. What I would really like to know is it something that I can take a 7 or 10 year old boy to? Because both of my boy's are interested in going.
Try it's a web-based movie review that breaks down a movie pretty darn well... check it out... (at the intro screen just scroll down to the bottom and click on "no thanks" and it will take you to another screen and then click on movies and go from there ... :D ) Whoops... just went there and it's not up for "non-subscribed" review yet... they tend to hold THE newest movies on review for subscribers then move them to the "free page" so ye might have to wait a bit.
I don't know anything about the movie or the book so I'm not sure if I want to see it or not...
I was thinking about they should do the Anne McCafferty's novels about dragons of Pern series.
I have not read the book and I am interested in seeing the movie. What I would really like to know is it something that I can take a 7 or 10 year old boy to? Because both of my boy's are interested in going.

We saw it last night with my 12 year old daughter. I personally would not worry about taking a 10 year old and probably would not worry about taking a 7 year old. The violence isn't bloody, for the most part, and while there are some scary scenes (intense battle), most things are implied (e.g., to torture the princess the wizard waves his hand near her and she grimaces--nothing too explicit). Of course, like most people I hate to give advice like this because your boundaries for kids may be different from mine! I have a 10 year old niece I wouldn't take because she's extra-sensitive to such things.

The movie was very bad, though. I expressed this in more detail here.
We saw it last night with my 12 year old daughter. I personally would not worry about taking a 10 year old and probably would not worry about taking a 7 year old. The violence isn't bloody, for the most part, and while there are some scary scenes (intense battle), most things are implied (e.g., to torture the princess the wizard waves his hand near her and she grimaces--nothing too explicit). Of course, like most people I hate to give advice like this because your boundaries for kids may be different from mine! I have a 10 year old niece I wouldn't take because she's extra-sensitive to such things.

The movie was very bad, though. I expressed this in more detail here.

It is to bad that it was not a good movie. I probably will not take the kid's then unless someone other people chime in and say it was great. Instead I will probably wait till it comes out on DVD and save myself a bunch of money. Thanks.
Never read the book, saw the movie last night. Lord, it was bad. Really, really bad. But if the MST3K guys get their hands on it, I may have to buy the DVD.
I don't know that it was 'Really, Really Bad' ... I think Dragonheart was significantly better. Knowing that the book was written by a teenager helps understand the movie. Yes - he has seen Star Wars, probably read Lord of the Rings, probably played Myst (or its sequels).

Certainly the movie went from 'Important Scene' to 'Important Scene', with little connecting tissue. And they did scale back on the special effects budget.

My younger girl is pretty bothered that the movie people took some liberties with the book. I suppose this is the first time she's seen one of the books she has read bastardized by transferring it to film.

The Dragon CGI stuff does show promise for Anne McCaffery's stuff.
Kinda makes you think that they ought to serialize the films... but oh noo too much money is going into that... SIGH oh well...
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but my 16-year-old daughter went to see the movie on Friday with some friends who were very eager to see it. They all said the movie was bad.
you know the book may have been cliche-ish but it was basically a good book, it is depressing that they wasted it so completely...somehow I don't see them making the rest of the trilogy into movies...
My brother-in-law asked me about Eragon since I am the family fantasy &sci-fi nut, and I picked it up. I got about halfway through it when I put it down and went to read something interesting, like a history of smallpox in America. I used to roleplay alot (the D&D kind silly) and we consider a character history to give a person a dragon, magic, telepathy, and (wait for it).... a MAGIC SWORD all in the span of a month to be cheesy, really cheesy. I cannot believe they made this book into a movie, if they were marketing to the young adult crowd, how much better would a movie series of Lloyd Alexanders "Chronicles of Prydain" been?

I read the book. Saw the movie. And IMO Saphia had the best acting of anybody in the movie. Her CGI was amazing, and she conveyed emotion far better then her human counterparts. Between making SW jokes and Lion King Jokes, the movie was quite enjoyable. My favorite was when he climbed above his house and was gazing at the sun. We just needed two of them and Binary Sunset in the backgound and it would have been...Star Wars. I will admit to picking up the score though.
You know that the director has no idea what he is doing when he casts Rachel Weisz in a voiceover role. *sigh*

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