Chronicals of Narnia...

The Chronicles of Narnia is an excellent series and is a definitely a Christian analogy, Aslan, the lion is representative of Christ.
Though as mrhnau said, it can be read as pure fiction.
I can't wait to see the movie. I think I need to dig out the series and reread it.
I haven't read the books, but I want too...also want to watch the movie...will probably see the movie before i have the money to buy the books...i'm weird and have to have
BlueDragon1981 said:
I haven't read the books, but I want too...also want to watch the movie...will probably see the movie before i have the money to buy the books...i'm weird and have to have

not 100% sure, but I think you can buy the whole series in hardback now, just one huge book. Might be worth looking into.

I know for a fact that you can buy the whole series in one collected paperback. I'm not positive about the hardcover but it's probably available too.

I read The Magician's Nephew before LWW and found it a very good arrangement. It took nothing away from LWW for me. Both stories stand on their own.

In fact, reading The Magician's Nephew helped me feel like I was reading a more complete story. I also found it to be the more interesting of the two books.

I've tried to avoid any anaologies to Christianity although it's obviously present. If I needed to examine religious ideals I could do that in church. The books stand just fine as a fantasy series.
lol..i try not to shop at walmart...just a choice of mine.

How about all books in hard back...i will go with the hardcove that has all of them but only as a last it is like $30 or $40.
I've read the books a couple times before, but it had been so long that I didn't remember very much. I got the giant book containing all the books from Wal-Mart and am now partway through The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I've been really enjoying rereading these stories again. I also appreciated having Magician's Nephew first since it explained about how what and who came to be where. I am a Christian and all the anologies make everything way more powerful for me. It's not uncommon for me to get all choked up concerning special Aslan moments, but I hope I won't be crying all over myself in the theater!

I and my family are soooooooooooooooooooooo excited to see this movie!!!! At first we were concerned because we were afraid that it would be all special effects, but not enough story or the kids would be bad actors (like the first Harry Potter movies, but they've improved!). However, after reading many reviews it looks like it's really going to be great!!!!!! I read today from a Narnia movie newsletter that there is something at the end of the credits and they told people not to rush out as soon as the movie is over. Usually it's just a little thing. Anyway...IT'S THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!:-partyon:

Robyn :asian:
I read all of them in elementary school too; so long ago that my poor old brain doesn't remember much about them. :lol: Looking forward to the movie as well...:)
hong kong fooey said:
I am going to a showing of the movie tonight my church rented out a theatre and are showing the movie! I can't wait to see it

Let us know how it is :) just not too many spoilers LOL I'm hoping to go see it Saturday if we have time...

mrhnau said:
just not too many spoilers

I don't want to give anything away but it seems that it all has something to do with a big cat and a sorceress. I think they play dress-up together, I could be wrong. I'm just going from the title.
Navarre said:
I don't want to give anything away but it seems that it all has something to do with a big cat and a sorceress. I think they play dress-up together, I could be wrong. I'm just going from the title.

:p. Way to go navarre you have ruined it for everyone now!
great movie. if you read the book you will love the movie they follow the book almost to a tea! theres action and adventure and just about everything else
hong kong fooey said:
great movie. if you read the book you will love the movie they follow the book almost to a tea! theres action and adventure and just about everything else

Thanks for letting us know HKF! It is on my must see list for this weekend if I can squeeze it in. :)
I don't care at all about Aeon Flux. King Kong looks pretty true to the original so I'll give it a looksee when I get the chance. Narnia brings back fond childhood memories though and I'll see it as soon as possible(funny that I'm 19 and already talking about childhood memories.)