Equipment Question


White Belt
Question for you guys. I am going to be participating in my first tournament in about a month and I have to buy equipment that satisfies the WTF olympic style equipment regs. We spar in class, but it is "point sparring" for the most part and using gear that would be found in a student set (foam dipped booties, gloves, etc).

So I'm looking on the Century website, and there is a real price disparity between the Century equipment and Adidas. The Adidas forearm protectors also look, well, kinda hard. I want to make sure that the cheaper, softer foam pads satisfy the equipment requirements. Anyone have a reason NOT to go cheap on the forearm or shin guards?

This is for AAU if that helps. Thanks!
Well, from my experience competing (about 150 tournaments or so) the padding really depends on the person. I like the harder pads on my shins and feet just because it adds a little more strength when you accidentally kick elbows - so it doesn't hurt the muscle as much.
As for the arms, i don't think it matters. I use the hard ones just because - but they tend to get uncomfortable. I would go with whatever seems best for now. If you compete and start to get into it more competitively then you can start to invest more into the sport.

Let me know if you get anymore question.
AAU will allow the century and Adidas, Macho is the official equipment company for the AAU. I and all my players wear Adidas just better quality for me, the macho would be next followed by the century. What AAU event are you dong? I have been AAU for a long time.
I would recommend adidas or Mooto brand gear. They are a little on the pricey side but worth it. You can go with the cheap stuff but it's your shin/forearm/body that will pay the price in the end.
I would recommend adidas or Mooto brand gear. They are a little on the pricey side but worth it. You can go with the cheap stuff but it's your shin/forearm/body that will pay the price in the end.

I am another believer in Adidas gear. I've had my forearms/shin and insteps pad for many years and they've held up well. You can go to just about any sporting goods store and get the cloth-covered shin and instep/forearm pads used in football...but Adidas will protect you better.
I appreciate the responses. I ended up getting the Adidas hogu, but opted for the softer forearm and shin pads. As soon as I can find someone who has them I'll check out the better quality stuff and see if the harder pads are really as bulky as they look. Maybe I will have to upgrade, but I hope not. This stuff gets pricey. Thanks again.

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