Equip a 30' x 30' private training area

I don't understand this one. This is for playback of video of some sort? Or for video capture from a camera?

It's for safety. If it's too dark to see clearly and people are jamming you need an outside observer with the tools to tell what's going on.
I think we should remember here that money is no object. So, we should go "whole hog", and spare no expense.

If one does ALL of the American Kenpo forms, they will trace out the Universal Pattern of Motion on the training floor:


Now, the SCALE of this pattern on the floor is determined by the Student's footwork, the stance. So, I would consult a high ranking American Kenpo person to check to see EXACTLY what MY stance would be, then contract a painter to paint this pattern on the floor.

Also, an interior design person could be contracted to research famous training halls around the world. They would then generate some motif for the building to make it look very nice, both inside and outside. I would probably want an "old school" kind of roof on the building, something like this:


Various flags of various countries would be stored away, in the case of a gathering of people for a seminar. The appropriate flag(s) could then be displayed for the occasion.
I'll add mine now.

Heat & A/C (although, I's use the A/C sparingly)
Most of the floor would be a standard striking mat floor. A small area (12' x 12') would be a thicker mat flooring for throws & grappling techniques.
Mirrors on opposing walls. 3/4 the legnth of the wall.
Century "Cornerman" bag holder holding a 6' bannana bag.
A humidified 6' x 6' closet for leather sparring equipment, pads & paddles, etc.
Bookshelf to hold reference material.
Flat pannel TV w/ dvd & cam-corder to tape forms & techniques.
Treadmill for days it's just too cold to run outside.
10' section of Ballet bar along one mirrored area.
hard wood floor, makawara on the wall, weapons rack on other wall, 14 ft tall room to accommodate weapons work. small set of weights and jars in the corner.