envigorating training method....gain lots of practice of technique and add lots of muscle

martial sparrer

Orange Belt
this is the third try to post this. i have been struggling with compartmentalizing my martial arts vs. training every day. i have decided i have to train daily or i will not seek true benefits. i usually do two week parts of weightlifting and then hitting the heavy bag inbetween sets. i strike using the 8 point striking method, incorporating karate, boxing, jeet kune do, and muay thai. the amazing evolution of the term mixed martial arts is that you can dabble in many arts to build yourself up as an awesome force. when training daily, and reading good books, is you can internalize a deep sense of spirituality. so for me, weightlifting AND striking between sets has given me great practice with technique, has added good solid heavy muscle, and has kept me very excited about my workouts. IS THERE A TRAINING EXERCISE OR ROUTINE THAT YOU WOULD RECCOMMENDĂ© THANKS.
I would be careful with putting bagwork between your sets--the purpose of resting between sets is to allow your blood pressure to go back to normal, and if you are too intense with your bagwork that won't happen. That said, if you mean doing a set, resting, doing some bagwork, resting, then doing another set, then I don't see any problem with that at all. That's what I do, actually, and I usually do some combination of exercises from this list:

Kata (sometimes Sanchin or Seiunchin while gripping 5lb plates)
Chi-ishi exercises (several variations)
Bagwork and/or mitts (depending on whether I have a partner or not)
Push-ups (several variations)
Pull-ups (several variations)
Lunges with punches or kicks
Fighter press (pressing forward while staying in a fighting stance)
Punches with resistance bands or weights
Sit-ups or vee-sits with punches
Weighted crunches or weighted twisting sit-ups (currently a 25lb plate)
Kettlebell swings (several variations)
Medicine ball overhead toss-and-slams
Squat jumps or barbell-weighted squats
Barbell rows
Overhead press
Bench press (sometimes barbell and sometimes alternating-arm dumbbell)
Punches with hikite (chamber) on the cable crossover machine
wow didn't know it wasn't a good thing to do weights and then directly hit the heavy bag....so your saying my blood pressure will get too high.....hmm gotta look that up....tell you one thing doing weights and heavy bag for striking FEELS great! full body thing plus technique

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