Empty Handed Anyo Dalawa - Another Secret Espada Y Daga Form!!

Guro Harold

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Another form to adapt Espada Y Daga is the typically empty-handed version of Anyo Dalawa.

- You will see shearing applications in the first two moves along with "near-sided, far-sided stabs" that you learn from the Palis-Palis Espada Y Daga sets (actually the downward block can be executed as a Palis-Palis parry).

- The armbars can be executed using the hilt. Or they can become circle snake disarms (note: use your weapon not your flesh for the disarm).

- The High-Low block/parry covers for the kick.
- The three shears are self-evident.
- The parry-elbow strike could be a natural grip cut, then elbow technique or if switched to pakal grip, it becomes a reverse cut, the stab.

- The armbar applications from above can be repeated for the final one.
- The downward block, two strikes become again a slash with two stabs.
- I would execute the same return as Anyo Isa with a Bolo since one should not make a habit of point weapons towards oneself.
Nice thread! :) Yes, its amazing what hidden things you can find in the anyos. Its interesting what we can find, if we do the empty hand kata, empty handed, then put a blade or stick in our hand and do the same moves. I'm not saying we should create a new kata but simply see what we can find with a little looking. :)

You're welcome. I hadn't looked at doing the empty hand forms espada y daga style. Interesting concept. You going to film and YouTube them? Might be an idea.


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