Embedded video problems


Senior Master
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question but I have had trouble the past week or so viewing embedded video here on MT. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I don't think there's a security level issue on my internet settings so any suggestions would be appreciated.


You're in the right place. You may need to give a few more details, like what browser you're using and maybe a link to one that's given you problems? And do the videos work if (like YouTube), you go to the source page? Is the problem only on MT?
I can see videos on youtube but a quick check on another site reveals that I cannot see embedded videos there, either. Hmm.

An example of a thread with embedded videos I cannot view can be found here (3 videos in first post; all come up blank with just that little square in the top left corner): http://martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84551

I am using IE8.

Hope these details help. Let me know if you need more. (And thanks in advance!)


I'm not familiar with IE8, but I would guess it's a security setting.
Make sure you have the latest Flash plugin for IE8.
I'm not a web guru... but I'd bet on either security settings or the Flash player, too.

Try downloading Firefox and giving it a shot. In the process, you'll probably get the latest Flash player, too. That'll give you an idea of whether the problem is with IE8 and your computer -- or something more complex.
I was told that many youtube videos, when uploaded by the owner, have the option turned off for embedding their videos. You have to 'double-click' them, and view on youtube directly.

Does everyone has the same problem, on the same videos? (sample vid?)
I was having great difficulty with youtube this morning. all is clear, now. it may have had to do with their issues.