Trouble with posting format


Senior Master
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
For the past month or so I have been having trouble with my posts. Specifically, I have been unable to get the "return" function to work properly. This means all of my posts are limited to a single block paragraph. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I haven't had a similar problem on any other site I frequent.
What browser & operating system?

As I recall, Bob has said that there's a problem with the text editor and Internet Explorer. He's been unable to find another text editor that will easily integrate with the base software at the moment. The fix I recall was to use the advanced post writing mode (click the Go Advanced button).
I just started having the same block style of posting due to being unable to break it up by hitting the enter button. Windows is what I am using.
There is an incompatibility issue between IE 10 and the editor. The idiots at vBulletin don't consider it a critical issue so despite the editor being updated have yet to add the fixes to the software. (I and a lot of vB admins are frustrated about this).

A work around is to use the basic editor, or try working in plain text mode (Source Mode. To access it, click on the A/A button top-left in the editor.).

To switch to basic editor, click Settings at top-right of the page, and look under General Settings or click here

I apologize for the issues IE users are having and will add the fix as soon as it's available.
You can also click on the "Compatibility View" icon at the right hand side of your address bar.